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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Auto close camera cover

From: Eduardo lavratti
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Auto close camera cover
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 12:53:44 -0200

thanks Gautier.
I will make a module to control camera cover.
As i do manual take-off and land i think i will forget to open and close the cam cover on the missions.

Thank you again for faster response.

Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 15:03:43 +0100
From: address@hidden
To: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Auto close camera cover


Usually, we set the servo open after takeoff (or when starting the actual mission) and we close it at the beginning of the landing phase. If you want to do it based on altitude in a specific block it is possible to use the pre_call (or post_call) attribute of the block node (e.g.: <block name="" pre_call="if (GetPosAlt()<80) { code here } else { other code here }"> ) but it will only work in this block (called all the time before calling the block instructions).
If you really want it all the time, then you should consider making a specific module (or enhancing the cam control) to do this, independently of the flight plan.


Le 12/02/2014 06:41, Eduardo lavratti a écrit :
my first idea is some thing like this ?

    <exception cond="GetPosAlt() > 80" set value="1800" var="(here i will put the servo)"//>
    <exception cond="GetPosAlt() < 80" set value="1100" var="(here i will put the servo)"//>

but it not work because exception only accept deroute.

so ... i need some help
From: address@hidden
To: address@hidden
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 03:00:19 -0200
Subject: [Paparazzi-devel] Auto close camera cover

have a way to detect if the plane are less than 80 meter from ground and set a servo do max ? or min when more than 80 meter ?

I will try to make a exception in flight plan to handle the cover.
Its the correct way/place to make this ?

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