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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] ardrone2 success

From: Christophe De Wagter
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] ardrone2 success
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2013 22:02:36 +0100

PS: An ardrone vision program exists (BrightSpotDetector) that will stream the image coordinates of the brightest spot in the down-looking camera via TCP to a paparazzi module comes quite close to what you want for the landing?

This has been done before but is not very user friendly yet. Work is on the way to improve that.

The idea is:

git clone ./paparazzi/sw/ext/ardrone2_vision
make (will also download submodule, and makes the gstreamer plugins with your custom code)
make drone (called from ardrone2_gstreamer folder: only needed 1 time: will put the framework on your drone)
put the on the drone, and start gstreamer using command as in sourcecode

(if first make fails at the end) make install (will install scratchbox2 and qemu if you didn't have them)
(if make is still not working) gedit ./ardrone2_gstreamer/Makefile edit the path to your ardrone crosscompiler and make install again to setup sb2


On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Ben Laurie <address@hidden> wrote:
On 5 November 2013 14:32, Freek van Tienen <address@hidden> wrote:
> Nice! Good to hear!
> I'm currently working on the sonar for the ardrone2:
> I've tested it for heights under 4m, but couldn't test it outside yet
> because of the weather. But it should work, and estimates the height under
> 4m much better. Then we can even make it land on sonar height.

Cool. I'll give it a try when I next get a chance.

I think I read somewhere that the ardrone2 has a DSP - have you looked
into using that yet?

Because I've been flying mine from my fields, I've had to use a
platform to launch it from (the grass is too long to do it from the
ground). As it happens, the platform I'm using is a bright yellow
stool. I was wondering if it would be possible to use the camera to
land on it :-) (Just idle speculation really).

On a related note, is it possible to record the video during a
paparazzi flight? And/or view it live?

> 2013/11/5 Ben Laurie <address@hidden>
>> Finally got a chance to test the fixed GPS. Despite quite high winds
>> (forecast says 40 km/h) it all went well, and even landed correctly.
>> Interestingly, the USB stick u-blox GPS, which was horribly inaccurate
>> out-of-the-box, worked perfectly once ucenter was able to correctly
>> configure it.
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