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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Trouble getting Eagle Tree Airspeed Sensor working

From: Cameron Lee
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Trouble getting Eagle Tree Airspeed Sensor working
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 21:27:26 -0600

I just followed the instructions on the Wiki, and I'm not sure if the fix would apply to both the TWOG and the Lisa/M (I really know nothing about this fix), but here's my airframe file:

And here's the commit where I made the changes:


On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 8:52 PM, alonso acuña <address@hidden> wrote:
Could you please share the airframe file? I have a Lisa/M and never could make it work.

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 10:24 PM, Cameron Lee <address@hidden> wrote:
I know that this is really old and that none of you guys had any outstanding issues but since this mailing list has a public archive I figured that I should add this here:

This issue was solved for me after upgrading to the most recent version of master. I don't think it's in v5.0 but master as of today's date is good.


On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 11:28 AM, Cameron Lee <address@hidden> wrote:
Thanks for your help guys. The only difference I see between your airframe files and mine is that you've defined SENSOR_SYNC_SEND under the target, not in the airspeed_ets module like I did. I'll give that a try tonight and see if it works. If not, I don't know what the issue could be other than maybe a hardware problem with my TWOG.



On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 2:38 PM, Helge Walle <address@hidden> wrote:
The attached airframe file works with my ETS airspeed sensor, Sparkfun SEN-10121 IMU and BMP085 barometer on the same I2C bus.
I paid some attention to the pullup resistors on the bus and removed the ones on the barometer to get a (in my opinion) sensible total value.
I use a TWOG and v4.2.

2013/6/9 Cameron Lee <address@hidden>
Hello everyone,

I recently got the Eagle Tree airspeed sensor so that I can use the energy based altitude control loops with my plane. However, when I follow the instructions as per here: the code build's fine, but once I upload it to the TWOG, there is no telemetry sent. I believe this is a different problem than the widely reported issue of the Eagle Tree Sensor only working when the autopilot is flashed, not when the autopilot was booted up normally.

I've double-checked the wiring, and the sensor works fine on it's own - I can see the max speed on the LCD display. Nothing appears on a scope when looking at the SCL or SDA lines - this would make sense if the TWOG isn't doing anything right?

Here's the airframe file I'm using (pared back to just measuring the airspeed, no energy control). This is all in v4.2, although I've also tried in v4.0 without success:

I also determined that the issue doesn't happen when only <define name="USE_I2C0"/> is added. It happens when the ets airspeed module is loaded: <load name="airspeed_ets.xml"/>.    

Any ideas for further troubleshooting or help regarding this would be very appreciated.

Cameron Lee

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