Well, my gasoline sensor come today.
The sensor output 10000 impulse/liter in TTL level.
Some time ago i asked about how can i read the sensor that output pulses and somebody pointed me to XTEND_RSSi and EXTERNAL TRIGGER but this 2 modules are for read a pulse width.
I can use the external_trigger module with some modification but its waste of code and capture module.
I need a simple external interrupt.
Here are my question: can i use an arch code like the code used for MAX1168 EOC interrupt ?
My idea is to use the DRDY pin (TWOG BOARD) connected to sensor output so i can receive the pulses as interrupt.
When interrupt occur i increment a counter and read the counter in module periodic.
Each pulse is equal to 1/10000liter so i will integrate to get how much gasoline the motor used.
Can some one talk about ? its possible with eint0 ?