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[Paparazzi-devel] help needed to test and improve new barometer interfac

From: Felix Ruess
Subject: [Paparazzi-devel] help needed to test and improve new barometer interface
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 18:33:49 +0200

Hi all,

we have finally improved the barometer interfaces.
See pull request 525.

Baro sensors now publish their pressure in Pascal via ABI and the altitude estimation in the INS does the QFE offset and conversion to altitude according to atmospheric pressure formula.
This also means the INS_BARO_SENS is hence not needed anymore.

Onboard baros are automatically available in fixedwing firmware as well (use same code as rotorcraft now).
Disable onboard baro with <configure name="USE_BARO_BOARD" value="FALSE"/>

What we tested works well (bmp085, ms5611) so far, but we could use some help for some of the older analog baros. We need to find the correct conversion factors from the adc reading to pressure in Pascals.

Any feedback and tests would be very much appreciated.

It would be great if we could merge this to master soon to have better baro support and cleaner INS code.

Cheers, Felix

P.S. For the git novices, to get that branch:
git remote update
git checkout baro_abi

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