From: | Felix Ruess |
Subject: | Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Critical behaviour of baro_ms5611_i2c |
Date: | Tue, 3 Sep 2013 17:14:22 +0200 |
This is working now. Pressure seems reasonable (I have no other sensor to confirm) but the altitude estimation is about 50m less than actual altitude.I was wondering why are there 2 filessw/airborne/modules/sensors/baro_ms5611_spi.csw/airborne/subsystems/sensors/baro_ms5611_spi.cThe first one appears to be the one running and the other one does not have the altitude calculation. I sent a pull request to add the altitude to the message but only changed the files in sw/airborne/modules/sensors/On Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Felix Ruess <address@hidden> wrote:
Ah, and you need to enable the slave pin: <define name="USE_SPI_SLAVE3"> in the firmware section of your airframe file.I'm not really sure about how to provide nice defaults for this, since this depends on your board, and even then you might want to connect an external ms5611 on other pins...On Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 7:14 PM, Felix Ruess <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Alonso,you seem to have removed <define name="MS5611_SLAVE_DEV" value="SPI_SLAVE3"/>, add it again.This defines the SlaveSelect line that used for the baro and it currently defaults to SPI_SLAVE0 which is not correct for the baro on LisaM/Aspirin2.2Cheers, FelixOn Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 6:59 PM, alonso acuña <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi. I have it like this<load name="baro_ms5611_spi.xml"><define name="MS5611_SPI_DEV" value="spi2"/><define name="SENSOR_SYNC_SEND"/></load><load name="baro_board.xml"><define name="BARO_ABS_EVENT" value="BaroMs5611UpdatePressure"/></load>I am getting the BARO_RAW message but it always says 0,0I also get BAR_MS5611 but d1 and d2 are always 16777215 , pressure is 0 and temp is 20. Real temp was around 26 at the moment.baro_ms5611_alt is set to a crazy number and baro_ms5611_alt_valid is set to TRUE. Perhaps there should be some more checks before considering it valid. Also it would be nice to see this altitude in the message.
ThanksOn Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 2:22 AM, Felix Ruess <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Alonso,Sorry, forgot to update the new SPI version as well when we fixed the baro update event handlers.Should be fixed in master.Also the ms5611 is on spi2 on lisa/m, so <define name="MS5611_SPI_DEV" value="spi2"/>Cheers, FelixOn Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 2:20 AM, alonso acuña <address@hidden> wrote:
The error I get isfirmwares/fixedwing/main_ap.c:653:49: error: macro "BaroMs5611UpdatePressure" passed 2 arguments, but takes just 1
On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 6:13 PM, alonso acuña <address@hidden> wrote:Hi. I am trying with<load name="baro_ms5611_spi.xml"><define name="MS5611_SPI_DEV" value="spi3"/><define name="MS5611_SLAVE_DEV" value="SPI_SLAVE3"/></load><load name="baro_board.xml"><define name="BARO_ABS_EVENT" value="BaroMs5611UpdatePressure"/></load>But I get :arm-none-eabi-gcc: error: boards/lisa_m/baro_ms5611_spi.c: No such file or directoryOn Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 8:26 AM, Felix Ruess <address@hidden> wrote:Hi all,the cleaned/improved code is merged into master now.Cheers, FelixOn Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 10:06 PM, Felix Ruess <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi all, Rolf,I refactored the ms5611 code and made a proper reusable peripheral (and added a SPI version module).While already there I added a check for d1/d2 being zero, discarding the measurement if it's the case.So this problem should not occur anymore.This stuff is currently in the baro_peripherals branch.git remote updategit checkout baro_peripheralsSome tests of this would be very much appreciated since I don't actually have the sensor...Cheers, FelixOn Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 8:12 AM, "Rolf Nöllenburg" <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Felix,I still have the problem of broken d2s from time to time, but I'm flying with the dirty workaround I described a few mails ago. It works ok for the moment as it takes a look at the current value of d2 and replaces it with the previous one, if it seems to be broken. In case of a replacement, a counter increases by one so I'm able to track the events. It occures randomly but I have often flights with at least one event and in one flight of about 25 minutes I saw 12 events in the log.As you see, I don't have a solution which is pushable and I didn't have taken the time to search the cause of the problem so far. I also never tried it on master branch.As no one else seems to have this problem, it could be a hard- and software specific problem of my setup. Anyway, I'll give an update when I have found the source of the problem.Cheers,RolfGesendet: Mittwoch, 17. April 2013 um 11:02 Uhr
Von: "Felix Ruess" <address@hidden>
An: "Paparazzi devel list" <address@hidden>
Betreff: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Critical behaviour of baro_ms5611_i2cCheers, FelixIt's really important that problems like this get properly fixed in the main Paparazzi repository.Did you also run long tests for the code in master?Hi Rolf,If this needs to be fixed in v4.2 please let us know, or even better make a pull request with the fix on github ;-)
what is the status on this?
But for that to become a reality we need the help from all of you to get the fixes back (not enough if you have them locally fixed for you).
There are so many drivers and combinations supported that not everything can be tested by the few core committers we have.
On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 1:21 PM, "Rolf Nöllenburg" <address@hidden> wrote:My observations:
I made a static 200 minute test yesterday and no glitches of d2 occurred.
Last friday I had seven glitches in 170 minutes on the bench.
Some randomly chosen flightlogs of the last four months revealed 3 glitches in 355 minutes.
The flights were carried out with an old height calculation where estimator_z recovered (peaks: ground_alt+2500m -> ground_alt-380m -> normal height within 2 seconds) and only led to a short but intense "bow". I don't want to know what the plane would have done with estimator_z=nan.
My conclusion so far: these glitches do occur but at rare intervals - at least with my setup. My previously mentioned interval of once in 20 minutes was way to pessimistic, sorry for that.
@michal: I'll have a closer look to your code, thank you for that hint.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Sat, 2 Feb 2013 18:53:59 -0200
> Von: Eduardo lavratti <address@hidden>
> An: Paparazzi developer forum <address@hidden>
> Betreff: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Critical behaviour of baro_ms5611_i2c
> HUmmmm i am using ppz v4.2 +yapa + ms5611.
> I made 5x 45~55min flight this week without any problem with baro.> Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2013 09:28:17 -0700
> From: address@hidden
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Critical behaviour of baro_ms5611_i2c
> Hi Rolf,
> i think this glitch can occur when you are asking for D2 value before the
> conversion is done. I ran to it when I was writing ms5611 drivers for
> master branch. It helped to slightly rearrange the periodic and event functions
> (see
> https://github.com/paparazzi/paparazzi/blob/master/sw/airborne/boards/lisa_m/baro_board_i2c.c). It was written for Lisa M 2.0, but might be
> useful for yapa too.
> The longest I ran barometer continuously was for like 35 minutes and no
> glitch occurred.
> Btw if the estimator cannot handle NaN values, probably the estimator code
> should be fixed, rather than "outlier removal" in baro code - what if the
> sensor stops working during the flight etc...
> Hope it helps.
> M
> On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 6:08 AM, "Rolf Nöllenburg" <address@hidden>
> wrote:
> Hi
> I just discovered a severe problem (luckily on the desk) with the module
> baro_ms5611_i2c: the communication via i2c can get faulty which leeds to
> estimator_z = nan and it DOES NOT RECOVER!!!
> This happens not very often, approx. once in 20 min.
> I think that the problem is starts with a zero in D2. This leads to
> messages in the log-file like the following:
> 2174.155 11 ESTIMATOR 1.195065 0.513844
> 2174.174 11 BARO_MS5611 7803588 8440836 1001.38 38.9
> 2174.269 11 BARO_MS5611 7803430 0 -2230.73 -242.71
> 2174.369 11 BARO_MS5611 7803606 8440764 1001.38 38.89
> 2174.397 11 ESTIMATOR nan nan
> 2174.465 11 BARO_MS5611 7803424 8440874 1001.34 38.9
> 2174.566 11 BARO_MS5611 7803488 8440640 1001.34 38.89
> 2174.684 11 ESTIMATOR nan nan
> A pressure of -2230.73 is obviously too much (or little) for the hight
> calculation...
> My system:
> - Paparazzi version v4.2.0_stable-5-gc3a1496-dirty
> - YAPA 2
> - Drotek IMU (mpu6050, hms5883, ms5611) on i2c1
> - baro_ms5611_periodic=baro_ms5611_d1=baro_ms5611_d2=10Hz
> I am working on a fix via something like this starting in line 211 of
> baro_ms5611_i2c.c:
> /* avoid glitches in d2
> if (ms5611_d2 < 1000000) {
> ms5611_d2 = ms5611_d2_prev;
> } else {
> ms5611_d2_prev = ms5611_d2;
> }
> I tried this with a fixed replacement-value of 7000000 instead of
> ms5611_d2_prev and it looks promising (estimator_z jumps to about 200m and recovers
> within 1 second). I just need some testing ...
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