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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] 回复: Why the rotorcraf t have a lower message frequ

From: Christophe De Wagter
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] 回复: Why the rotorcraf t have a lower message frequency from ubloxGPS module?
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 09:28:04 +0200

The line you indicate is the correct line for changing the rate. 0xFA hex = 250 millisecond in that case. 

The 4Hz dates back from the LEA-4 and initial LEA-5 generations. 

I somewhere read that some devices were capable of 5Hz instead of 4Hz, but it depends on the series AND on the firmware in the device.

Somewhere else during an update to newer LEA-5 firmware I read that UBlox recommends to program the devices to 2Hz only as they might not always be able to keep up. 

For the latest firmwares and devices I am not aware of the recommendations. 

If you try new settings I would recommend to analyse the result with the full u-center program directly to the GPS to see the effects. When you have news, it is highly appreciated if shared here.


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