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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] AR Drone 2 progress and problems

From: Ben Laurie
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] AR Drone 2 progress and problems
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 18:12:17 +0100

On 20 July 2013 17:47, Ben Laurie <address@hidden> wrote:
> OK, so I managed to upgrade the firmware to 2.4.1, obtained from here:
> and I now get GPS info from the drone.
> The next issue is that when I try to download maps, i.e click in the
> map on GCS, hit ctl-G, I get a very blotchy and unrecognisable map.
> Also, the window does not look like the image here:
> The four arrows in the top left are there, but the rest of the window
> decorations (take off and emergency buttons, ar drone logo, etc) are
> not.
> When it first loads there are some blue dots with green writing,
> saying things like p1, p2, etc. but one by one they disappear.
> The final image (before I hit ctl-G) shows a black screen with just
> the four arrows.
> Down below I can see that Wait GPS and Geo init have been done, and it
> is now sitting at "Holding point".
> Now what?

Problems partially solved...

1. Once all the points have disappeared, I hit "fit to windows", and
they reappear.

2. Merged with latest master and rebuilt, now map tiles load OK (ISTR
reading there was a problem with API versions recently).

But I still don't have the takeoff and emergency buttons, etc.

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