After more than 6 hours of testing the krooz here is what i have found so far.
The autopilot is excellent but it does have a small problem with the magnetometer.
matter what i tried i can't make it work as good as the drotek imu
based one because it has a strong bias in all axes so it is probably affected either by the Xbee pro 2.4 modem (60mw) or from the currents running all over the board.
I did calibrate the accelerometer and magnetometer.
The best i got is a fixed error of at least 20 degrees from the magnetic north and very low resolution around the 0 degrees (looking to the North)
Next week i will try without the modem.
the imu driver for the krooz kind of works but the PFD moves only about
+-5 degrees fast and if i let the autopilot rest at say +30 degrees up
the it converges to 30 degrees very very slowly.