<block name="Holding point" strip_button="Landing Point" strip_icon="target.png">
<set value="1" var="kill_throttle"/>
<attitude roll="0" throttle="0" vmode="throttle"/>
<block name="Arm Catapult" strip_button="Takeoff (wp CLIMB)" strip_icon="bungee_launch.png">
<exception cond="estimator_z > ground_alt+20" deroute="Takeoff"/>
<set value="0" var="kill_throttle"/>
<call fun="nav_catapult_init()" />
<call fun="nav_catapult(WP_TO, WP_CLIMB)"/>
<block name="Takeoff" strip_button="Takeoff (wp CLIMB)" strip_icon="takeoff.png">
<exception cond="estimator_z > ground_alt+35" deroute="Standby"/>
<go wp="CLIMB"/>
<block name="Standby" strip_button="Standby" strip_icon="home.png">
<set value="0" var="kill_throttle"/>
<set var="v_ctl_auto_throttle_cruise_throttle" value="0.78"/>
<circle radius="nav_radius" wp="STDBY"/>
That I can "arm" the plane on the catapult, release it and it will then take off, wait 0.75 seconds, engage the motor and
take off with a 15 deg pitch + 80% throttle? ( throttle doesn't engage prior to the "acceleration" event, correct? )