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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Flight Crashing in JSBSIM simulation

From: Stephen Dwyer
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Flight Crashing in JSBSIM simulation
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 15:32:14 -0700

Hello Manish,

Can you describe your setup a little better? In general, the crash is correct, i.e. the aircraft has fallen below ground level. This can happen right after launch if you do not have a "catapult" launch; if the forward velocity isn't high enough the aircraft will descend. You can set an initial velocity to avoid this. See the simulation page for more info.

If you are crashing otherwise, you may have to review your flightplan and airframe file and adjust things. Could be as simple as poorly tuned control loops or incorrect altitude setting on a waypoint. You can also log your simulation and view results in the log plotter if you aren't sure what is going on, and try to find the problem. Simply get rid of the -n option in the server program.

Hope that helps.

-Stephen Dwyer

On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 9:54 PM, manish jain <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi All,
I am running the simulation of Paparazzi through JSBSIM. But after some time my flight stop progressing in GCS. And a message in the "Paparazzi Center" shows "Crash Detected:" agl<0.

But in the GCS window, the angle in AGL is coming +ve. I have configured in for basic flight plan and microjet airframe. Can anyone experienced the same issue guide me where I need to change for a successful simulation?


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