From: | Felix Ruess |
Subject: | Re: [Paparazzi-devel] solved many problams with my lisa/m |
Date: | Wed, 13 Feb 2013 12:52:57 +0100 |
Dear Michael,Thank you for your debugging efforts and finding the important issue: the current release (v4.2) is not compatible with the new aspirin v2.2 (yet). Indeed if the SPI-Baro-Chip-Select is left floating, the the baro and the mpu6000 will fight each other every time the baro-chip-select is getting low (e.g. with your finger), so software MUST pull PC13 high.While full support for the aspirin2.2 will only be given in the next paparazzi release (current master), v4.2 should be at least fixed.Constraints:-Lisa-m/2 with aspirin <= 2.1 -> PC13 soldered to ground-Lisa-m/2 with aspirin >= 2.2 -> PC13 should be highCan anyone verify/validate this?-ChristopheOn Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 12:53 AM, Felix Ruess <address@hidden> wrote:Hi,Btw, editing the makefile is annoying, just changed this in master so you can configure it from the airframe file, e.g.<configure name="LISA_M_BARO" value="BARO_SPI"/>
default is BARO_I2C and another option would be BARO_ASPIRINCheers, FelixOn Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 12:40 AM, Piotr Esden-Tempski <address@hidden> wrote:
If I understand you correctly you pulled up the CS pin permanently making communication to the barometer permanently impossible.
Am I right in the assumption you were not using master branch of paparazzi for your tests? To my knowledge only master branch has support for the MS5611 connected to SPI.
If you use master you need to edit conf/firmware/rotorcraft.makefile replacing:
then the barometer should be read out correctly as well as all other IMU sensors with no hardware modifications necessary.
I hope this helps.
Cheers Esden
On Feb 12, 2013, at 11:23 AM, michael matkov <address@hidden> wrote:
> hey everyone !
> didn't touched paparazzi for a long time until :
> i've got from TR , x3 lisa/m v2.0 with aspirin 2.2-r0
> had alot of problams with IMU sensors, hanged start up of the STM32 ,super touch sensitive around the soldered aspirin
> and troubled upload firmware with the paparazzi-center (random hangs and errors), i tried to contact with esden and TR but no replay
> from both of them... even tough the fast shipping ,i tought all the three lisa DOA ...
> then i decided to check by my self :
> done some research and the new barometer hangs the SPI bus + garbeging the MPU6... values
> removed the trace of that GYRO_SS pin as described at the wiki but no good.
> BTW :when i've got the boards shipment ,i quickly soldered the aspirin include the pin that didn't need to be soldered ( see: http://paparazzi.enac.fr/wiki/address@hidden@warning )
> all the problems got cleared until i've soldered jumper from the CS of the Barometer to 3.3v
> now i feel like i've got new boards ;) fast upload ,fast start up ,and fast PFD lock !
> maybe it will help somebody with the same problems
> i don't know how or how to start :) can some one add :
> if using the hardware setup above ,to pull high stm32 pin PC13 to high trough the c code -> its CS of the new barometer.
> i think a future driver for that barometer will do that by the way ,but need to change the wiki to not remove that pad from the aspirin ?
> sorry about my english ...
> best regards
> matkov michael
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