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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] px4 autopilot and paparazzi

From: Tilman Baumann
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] px4 autopilot and paparazzi
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2013 10:26:48 +0000
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On 29/01/13 21:09, Felix Ruess wrote:

Option 2: posix/nuttx support
It might be a good option to create a rather generic "posix" arch. Since nuttx apparently aims to be very posix compliant a lot of stuff would probably run under nuttx and linux as well. This would also be a good step towards supporting paparazzi to run on linux (on a gumstix/beagleboard/raspberrypi) or on the Parrot AR Drone. There has already been some success regarding the latter. I don't know much about nuttx itself and how low level driver (e.g. SPI and I2C with DMA) are handled...
Oh posix, was a good key word.
I'm pretty sure I have seen more than one ppz fork that aimed to run the autopilot on Linux. Porting effort should be quite low if any of those succeeded. I remember Marcus Wolschon said here on the list that he did it already. But I could not find his sources.
And another abandoned project 
and sources
Going from there to a POSIX based RTOS should be fairly straight forward.
There are going to be differences in drivers of course.

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