Good day everybody,
let me introduce myself:
My name is Andrius Batalauskas and I am an Engineering
student from Bremen (Germany).
My group is working with a quadrocopter consisting of:
- Liza/M 1.0
- XBee XBP 24
- Navilock NL-651EUSB u-blox 6
- Multiplex RX-5 (35MHz)
- Graupner mx-16s Remote
I have a couple of questions:
[Problem 1]
Currently we are trying to arm the copter motors in
neutral position. Means: Throttle is down. And yaw pushed
to MAX. Motors shall rotate at minimum speed now. But they
do not. Later the motors shall be disarmed when throttle
is down again and yaw is MIN.
Motors are working fine with
USE_THROTTLE_FOR_MOTOR_ARMING. It´s just the default
arming behaviour that doesn´t work.
Part of airframe.xml:
<target name="ap" board="lisa_m_1.0">
<subsystem name="radio_control" type="ppm"/>
<define name="RADIO_KILL_SWITCH"
Not sure if AUTOPILOT_DISABLE_AHRS_KILL is in the right
place here. Doesn´t seem to change anything.
Part of airframe.xml:
<radio name="mx16sHSB" data_min="900" data_max="2100"
sync_min ="5000" sync_max ="15000"
<channel ctl="A" function="THROTTLE" min="1120"
neutral="1120" max="2000" average="0"/>
<channel ctl="B" function="YAW" min="2000"
neutral="1498" max="1000" average="0"/>
<channel ctl="C" function="PITCH" min="2000"
neutral="1498" max="1000" average="0"/>
<channel ctl="D" function="ROLL" min="2000"
neutral="1498" max="1000" average="0"/>
[Problem 2]
The copter will get a cam with a 1-axis servo which
counters the copter pitch.
What is the basic procedure to make it work? We are kinda
lost... There seems to be a camera module: cam.xml. So
just include this one? Documentation says to add
some xml code to our "Aircraft file to the right place".
So what is the right place?
Any ideas are welcome!
Best regards,