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[Paparazzi-devel] fixedwing control loops

From: mtorres
Subject: [Paparazzi-devel] fixedwing control loops
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 09:59:50 +0100
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I have been working with paparazzi for some time, with a fixedwing airframe and the "normal" control loops. I've been hesitating about trying the "new control" and also the "adaptive", but I missed a bit of documentation or at least the control loop graphs and a brief description. Due to the recent discussions about the total energy control loops, which I found very interesting, I think there is a need to document or at least to have a small guide on which control loops are best suited for.

It will be very nice to have a small guide, for example: "if you have a fixedwing airframe with airspeed sensor the total energy control is the best suited for you", or "if you want to use a catapult o some high acceleration launch then avoid to use the standard control loops", or maybe "if you use IR sensors for attitude the stay with the normal control loops". So I guess depending on your airframe type and sensors there will be an appropriated choice.

The old control loops are well documented, and the concept behind the total energy it's easy to understand. Regarding the "new" control loops, are they just another approach, but behave like the old ones? are they just better and we all should move to "new control"? I think reading the source here doesn't help enough, at least for me. The same goes with the adaptive, which sounds like a very good idea but misses some documentation about how to use it.

To sum up, it will be very nice if people using the new and adaptive control loops tell us why they choose them instead of the old control and how they tune their airframes, like the recent posts about the total energy control. Then maybe we can write down a quick guide about picking a control loop and the basics about tuning it.

Best regards

Miguel Torres


Miquel Ángel Torres Gil
Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables, S.A. (ITER, S.A.)
Polígono Industrial de Granadilla, s/n 38600 - Granadilla de Abona Santa Cruz de Tenerife - España (Spain)
TEL: + 34 922-747-700; FAX: +34 922-747-701


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