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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] XBee 868 MHz Issues with Paparazzi

From: Anish
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] XBee 868 MHz Issues with Paparazzi
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2012 07:04:01 +0000

Hi Chris,
 >the 3DR ones look like they will be >convenient if you
>don't have a Scilabs ISP, because they will >come with the open source
>firmware already instaled
I don't have Scilabs ISP, but plan to play around with the board to try 
implement encryption on it :).
 Yes, as for Tridge, the probability of another occurence is very low ;) 
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Gough <address@hidden>
Sender: address@hidden: Tue, 10 Apr 2012 16:09:51 
To: <address@hidden>
Reply-To: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] XBee 868 MHz Issues with Paparazzi

> From what I gather 433 MHz version won't be available for a very short while 
> afaik

There are probably other HopeRF (HM-TRP and RF50) modules on the
market, but the 3DR ones look like they will be convenient if you
don't have a Scilabs ISP, because they will come with the open source
firmware already instaled (although not available ATM because they are
waiting for antennas).

> ( I am assuming we  are talking of same Tridge and radio's ;)).

A fair assumption, there can't be that many :)

Chris Gough

> I am waiting for one as well.
> Regards
> Anish
> Anish Mohammed
> Twitter: anishmohammed
> On 10 Apr 2012, at 02:31, Chris Gough <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> Also, does anyone know of any 433 MHz transmitters tailored
>>> for AUTO2 outdoor flight? I'm curious as to why XBee doesn't make any
>>> 433 MHz modems...
>> don't know about XBee, but the open source firmware for SiLabs Si1000
>> SoC radios has improved a lot recently.
>> HopeRF makes a 433 MHz Si1000-based module, there are probably others too.
>> We've been getting good results with prototypes of the 900MHz HopeRF
>> module (8km range @ legal EIRP limit, using 1/4 wave dipole and
>> external amplifier). I'll be testing some 433 MHs ones in few weeks
>> and hope/expect that even without an amplifier or directional antennas
>> they will be a cheap, practical, long range link (low bandwidth) link.
>> For paparazzi, with this firmware, don't forget to set MAVLINK=0
>> (ATS6=0; AT&W), so it's just a transparent serial link, otherwise it
>> will try to insert radio-status MavLink messages and pack data into
>> MavLink-specific frames.
>> Chris Gough
>> --
>> .
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