On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Felix Ruess <
address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> I'm not sure what you expect by telling the aircraft it is horizontal while
> it actually is pitched up at 80deg. You can do that, but what exactly do you
> hope to achieve by that?
> The fixedwing firmware really won't work properly with that (without
> modifications that is), as the guidance/stabilization there assumes a CTOL
> without hover capability. Also stuff like roll basically becomes yaw when
> you suddenly hover, etc.
> If you have an aircraft capable of both, VTOL/hover and transition to normal
> flight, you probably want to base that on the rotorcraft firmware (just like
> the quadshot, but which is arguably much more like a quadrotor in hover) or
> maybe even make a new firmware taking from the others what you need...
> What we call a firmware is "just" a main.c with a collection of appropriate
> peripherals and subsystems listed in a bunch of makefiles.
> Ok, maybe that is a bit simplified, but basically that's it ;-)
> Regarding the singularities (of the euler angle representations):
> Even if your estimation does not have any (e.g. ahrs int_cmpl_quat), if the
> control is using euler angles, you can of course still run into
> singularities there... basically anything that takes euler angles as inputs
> is potentially prone to problems around the singularities.
> Cheers, Felix
> On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 8:31 PM, Roman Krashanitsa
> <
address@hidden> wrote:
>> Chris,
>> Most possibly, yes. Also this is easy to check - just make modifications
>> and look at the telemetry values, it should show 0 deg pitch at aircraft
>> hovering orientation.
>> Roman
>> 2012/2/17 Chris Wozny <
>>> All,
>>> If I have a fixed-wing aircraft capable of hovering at high angle of
>>> attack (80-90 degrees), would it be possible for me to just change the
>>> BODY_TO_IMU rotation for theta to that angle of attack so that it could
>>> hover at that angle? I'm sure I'd have to adjust some PID gains for it to
>>> function properly. Also, if this is possible, would I have to worry about
>>> singularities at that angle even though I'm using complementary quaternions
>>> on the dev branch?
>>> Best,
>>> Chris
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