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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Flying wiht BMP085 pressure sensor

From: Bruzzlee
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Flying wiht BMP085 pressure sensor
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 01:42:32 +0200
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Dear Heinrich

There was an other improvement we made:
At the beginning we took small air tubes made of rubber. (which were elastic)
Then we replaced them with small tubes made of Teflon.
Reason: Every vibration can easily disturb the air pressure in a soft tube.

I think a I2C-USB adapter will do the work:
For example: (The firs one I found)
I assume there isn't something in the paparazzi project at the moment that will send pressure data continuously from the ground station.
(Correct me if I'm wrong)
The GCS use the telemetry (e.g. Xbee) to send the instructions to the autopilot. There must be a way to use this connection to send the ground pressure data. Maybe a author of the GCS will give you more detailed information about this part of the project.

If you're interested: (more about airspeed than baro pressure measurement)
I've published the work on


Am 16.08.11 01:01, schrieb Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Warmers:
Dear Bruzzlee,
dear Christophe,

we use the static pressure of a pilot tube from the eagle  TAS interface.
The aircraft was a delta with 0.8m span. The tube was mounted in the front of one wing outside the propeller generated turbulence.
Holes are about 6cm away from the wing.
The sensor was far away from other electronic.
We found for our  measure system used for metrology measurements (a small box with Tini1.3 and the sensors) a lager noise +-0.7m
compared to +-0.35m for the separation.
We flow in an altitude of  35m. The temperature did not change.
I think the most of the delta in altitude was generated by the constant TAS feed back control system.
The idea with a second static pressure measurement on ground is possible but expensive (a second tiny with telemetry and pressure sensor).
Is there any ftti chip with i2c or SPI interface?
How it is possible to send the static pressure from the ground station to the aircraft periodically?


Christophe De Wagter schrieb:
Dear Heinrich,

Where was the sensor located and in which kind of aircraft? Did you use a pitot+static tube or just measure the fuselage (or wing in case of a delta) pressure. How was the temperature change during the flight?



On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 10:11 PM, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Warmers <address@hidden> wrote:
today we made our first flights only with the BMP085 pressure sensor.
We made an average of  4 pressure values and send the rate to 20 samples/s.
The altitude control system was stabile but just with an large error +7m -4m when flying  ovals depending  on the position.
After landing we had often a altitude of -1..-2m  by a flight time of  30 minutes.
Has someone an idea to get more precise results?


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