[Paparazzi-devel] Reply to: "deactivation of pitch control? (Reto B?ttne
Chris Efstathiou
[Paparazzi-devel] Reply to: "deactivation of pitch control? (Reto B?ttner)"
Fri, 4 Mar 2011 15:52:28 +0200
Hi. It helps but i had to split roll and pitch deactivation so i can have roll compensation with the pitch servo at a fixed value. I do not want to loose roll control also during catapult launch. Anyway i found that if the pitch is correctly set to a fixed point the plane is leaving the catapult very nice and because it actually decelerate when the motor is activated the plane actually pitches up which is not a bad thing if you have plenty of power.
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[Paparazzi-devel] Reply to: "deactivation of pitch control? (Reto B?ttner)",
Chris Efstathiou<=