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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] C code not rebuilt after changes to flight plan

From: Eric Parsonage
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] C code not rebuilt after changes to flight plan
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 00:34:48 +1030


What is the host OS of the virtual machine ? 


On 27/01/2011, at 12:09 AM, Andreas Gaeb wrote:

> Am 26.01.2011 13:41, schrieb Gautier Hattenberger:
>> Have you clean your aircraft before build ?
> no, that's what I wanted to avoid. I'm working on a rather slow
> (virtual) machine, so I wanted to compile as little code as possible
> (but as much as needed, of course). If I clean the aircraft before,
> everything works as expected.
>> If you open the file var/<your ac>/generated/flight_plan.h, is it
>> complete ? You should have #define // FLIGHT_PLAN_H on the last line.
> yes, it is.
>> What did you change in the flight plan ? 
> I'm trying to tune some calls for maneuvering functions I wrote myself.
> It's a rather tedious process to wait for the complete compile after
> tuning a constant in the xml file, so I thought there could be a small
> fix to the makefiles to speed that up.
>> Does it still works with the basic FP ?
> seems to be independent of the flight plan, as well as of editing with
> text editor or GCS.
> I had just hoped this would be just a small glitch in one of the
> makefiles and somebody with experience with the build system would know
> how to fix this easily. But if this is not the case, I'll continue
> cleaning the aircraft before rebuilding.
> Best regards,
>       Andreas
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