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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Paparazzi in a virtual machine, Flightgear on the

From: Todd Sandercock
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Paparazzi in a virtual machine, Flightgear on the host.
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 04:56:46 -0800 (PST)

You have to watch out what ip address you put into paparazzi because in virtual box the ip is different to what the virtual network driver puts out. Try putting in the ip of the wifi card on your laptop. i am pretty sure thats how i had it working


From: Ørjan Pettersen <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Sent: Wed, 4 November, 2009 10:49:46 PM
Subject: [Paparazzi-devel] Paparazzi in a virtual machine, Flightgear on the host.


I'm trying to get Paparazzi and Flightgear work together. I have Debian with Paparazzi installed in Virtualbox on my laptop. And I'm running Flightgear natively on my laptop with ArchLinux.

But it doesn't work somehow. The plane in Flightgear doesn't move.

I run Flightgear with the following command found on the wiki:

fgfs --fdm=null --native-gui=socket,in,30,,5501,udp

And in Paparazzi I'm using the MJ5 plane in simulator mode. I hit execute and the GCS window opens. I go back to the Paparazzi Center and stop the simulator process, and enter the following in the simulator text field and hit 'Redo':

/usr/share/paparazzi/sw/simulator/launchsitl -a MJ5 -fg -boot -norc

I wait a few seconds until 'Geo Init' is done and it is in 'Holding point'. Then I hit 'Takeoff' and 'Launch'. And the simulated flight starts. But there is nothing happening in Flightgear.

Have anyone got the Flightgear Paparazzi connection to work when Paparazzi is running in a virtual machine and Flightgear is running on the host computer?

Any ideas what might be the problem?

Oerjan Pettersen

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