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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] 3 state switch on any R/C controller

From: David Carlson
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] 3 state switch on any R/C controller
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 21:24:05 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090318)

It is possible to use the rudder channel as the "mode" channel. You could also adjust setting so that holding left rudder gives you manual (or auto1/assisted) and center stick/right rudder gives you auto2. Not optimal, but I would like that option better than tearing open the TX.


Andrew S wrote:
try to add two resistor divider between switch inputs. this would give central 

30.05.09, 17:04, "? flying pig" <address@hidden>:

Hi there
I have recently got one of the remote controll from someone, it is 4 channel 40Mhz, the brand is REELY (from Conrad in Germany i believe). I was thinking using for paparazzi. I have tap in to the R/C receiver, which was ok (just read the chip number without any measurement), however, I have some didfficulty in making 3 state switch. I cut the yaw channel (4th channel), and rewire to 3 state switch (on/off/on), however, when i use it, it seen like only have on/off function. Does anyone has done the similar thing about cutting one channel from the controller to make it into the 3 state switch? can anyone advice? Regards Chen 5 GB ???? ????????????????? — ???? Windows Live Hotmail
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