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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Paparazzi with a wifi link?

From: pascal . brisset
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Paparazzi with a wifi link?
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 17:34:51 +0200
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.2.8

Hi Yoann,

Selon Yoann CONGAL <address@hidden>:

> I didn't see any information about a wifi link. I might have missed it.

 It would be very similar to the sw/ground_segment/tmtc/
agent which forwards messages from a TCP connection to the Ivy bus

> So, from what I understood from the code/doc/wiki, I will have to
> write my own "sw/ground_segment/tmtc/link" to use the wifi as a link.
> Please tell me if I'm wrong.

 You are right.

> I don't know Ocaml so I will code in C. Thanks to the Ivy bus, I will
> be able to "easely" replace "link".

 Any programming language for which the Ivy API is available

> I would like some pieces of advice about the best way to do that. Do
> you have any idea?

 Messages over the Ivy bus are just lines of ascii chars. You can look at them
(while the simulator is running for example) with the ivyprobe command:

ivyprobe '(.*)'

The description of the "messages" is in cond/messages.xml. For example, for the
ATTITUDE message:
   <message name="ATTITUDE" ID="6">
     <field name="phi" type="int16" unit="deg"></field>
     <field name="psi" type="int16" unit="deg"></field>
     <field name="theta" type="int16" unit="deg"></field>
your link agent has to send on the Ivy bus something like

42 ATTITUDE 5 0 -3

where 42 is the A/C id.


> Did anyone already began something about the wifi link?
> I found the ~/paparazzi/conf/messages.xml. Is there more info about
> your ivy protocol?
> If you're interested, I agree to release my code into paparazzi.
> Thanks for your time,
> Regards,
> Yoann CONGAL
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