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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] AUTO2 mode

From: Pascal Brisset
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] AUTO2 mode
Date: Sat, 17 May 2008 12:27:36 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080505)


of course, it is so obvious: your roll angle measurement is reversed ! (never seen this one :-) You can check from your log (replay it): the plane turns left when it banks to the right (look at the PFD).
So you have to change some signs:
- check the infrared sensor installation (the IR1 channel must be the rear-left -- front-right on) and change IR2_SIGN and IR1_SIGN as required

- then the corrections in AUTO1 will be reversed, so you will have to change
the signs of the AILERON commands:
or (maybe preferable) change the direction of the servo: exchange min and max in the SERVO elements

- then (!), the RC commands in MANUAL and AUTO1 will be reversed, so you have to reverse the ROLL channel in your radio file: <channel CTL="1" NEUTRAL="1520" MAX="1074" FUNCTION="ROLL" MIN="1942" AVERAGE="0"/>

Let us know when it works ...


PS: Do you have video on board ? You could record nice video ... of these incredible artificial islands next to your place !

Mohammad Ali Haji Pour wrote:
Pascal, AJ,

I do turn the RC off, and the plane is stabilized perfectly and I get the AUTO2 
logo and also in the right corner of GCS I get text mentioning I am in AUTO2. 
Just the plane halted once for few seconds that
according the group the problem might be from the switching regulator. It also 
halted on the ground once.

I have attached 2 log and data files. The plan landed at 4:07 AM and I have  
attached files around that time but I am not sure which one is the one related 
to that flight since I also had a flight in manual mode only.

Thanks a lot.

Best Regards,


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