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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] LEA-4P w/o Ant

From: Matthew Currie
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] LEA-4P w/o Ant
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 17:22:25 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)


  Yes, coming from modem land it's a big deal =)  This is an RX and not a TX/RX.  I went ahead and powered it up anyways but was waiting to hear a "wait no! dont do it!".


address@hidden wrote:
There's no risk running the GPS without an antenna.  In fact, many installations use a removable external antenna.  Conversely, most high-power transmitters such as modem, video, and even R/C can be damaged by overheating when run without a proper antenna.


  During assembly it would be quite handy to test the operation of the LEA-4P module before placing the ceramic patch antenna.  Does anyone foresee damage operating it without the antenna?  I would simply like to query the modules internal processor before placing the antenna in case the LEA-4P requires rework where the antenna would then be a hindrance.

Matthew Currie

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