seems it may be a permission problem and your log'd
in as a user , where the system needs you to login as root to install ,
look at your permissions
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 4:32
Subject: [Paparazzi-devel] Having
problems downloading the bin and dev files
hey guys,
I have been working on the Tiny 1.1 for around
3 months now and it is almost finally ready. University technicians think
their god. Hope I'm not offending anyone. I've been playing with the Live-CD
for a while now and would like the chance to gain access to the source code so
that I can modify it to suit my aircrafts needs. It says I need a password
every time I i try to install the bin and dev files. Am I doing something
wrong. I have also tried to install it on debain, although I do prefer the
Live-CD, but every time I go into Synaptic Manager, and type in the ATP and
perform a reload it says it no longer exists. This is really bugging me cause
in a few months time I start proper work (Yes I am a lazy student) and would
really like to get this done so I can show it off. :)
Thanks Alistair
_______________________________________________ Paparazzi-devel
list address@hidden
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