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Re: [paparazzi-devel] Replies to posts on the digest

From: nisma
Subject: Re: [paparazzi-devel] Replies to posts on the digest
Date: Tue, 4 May 2004 15:08:26 +0200 (MEST)

> Hi
> Selon address@hidden:
> > I living near mountains. This is why i cannot use the IR sensor you have
> > developed for attitude stabilisation.
> I live near mountains too (pyrénées) and surprisingly it works :)
> We fly on a slope and have no problem even for automatic landing.
> SeeYa
> Antoine

I know that for the advised targets (ozone measurement and rescue serch)
the IR sensor should work. Using the car, i can reach a flight test
slope in about 20 minutes (mountains on all four sides). 
If i want work with IR sensors, i need 70 minutes to go to a flight test
zone (800 mt height from sea level).
This is not paied work, so i try to minimize the efforts.
I don't expect that short term attitude stabilisation using mems measuring
the inclination angle is problematic.
The sensor have a update rate of 100KH.
Using filtering, the update rate goes down between 10 and 20KH.
This should be ok.
For the altitude, the GPS update is at 1HZ rate indipendent from the
manufactor or model for civil gps using the gps data and not the gps
carrier frequence difference.
Using filtering, 0,1 HZ is realistic. This is too slow and atmospheric
pressure measurement must be made in order to stabilize the model.


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