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[paparazzi-commits] [5938] cleanup whitespaces
From: |
Felix Ruess |
Subject: |
[paparazzi-commits] [5938] cleanup whitespaces |
Date: |
Thu, 23 Sep 2010 23:01:55 +0000 |
Revision: 5938
Author: flixr
Date: 2010-09-23 23:01:55 +0000 (Thu, 23 Sep 2010)
Log Message:
cleanup whitespaces
Modified Paths:
Modified: paparazzi3/trunk/sw/tools/gen_aircraft.ml
--- paparazzi3/trunk/sw/tools/gen_aircraft.ml 2010-09-23 22:55:52 UTC (rev
+++ paparazzi3/trunk/sw/tools/gen_aircraft.ml 2010-09-23 23:01:55 UTC (rev
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* $Id$
* Call to Makefile.ac with the appropriate attributes from conf.xml
- *
+ *
* Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Pascal Brisset, Antoine Drouin, ENAC
* This file is part of paparazzi.
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with paparazzi; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
let (//) = Filename.concat
-let paparazzi_conf = Env.paparazzi_home // "conf"
+let paparazzi_conf = Env.paparazzi_home // "conf"
let conf_xml = paparazzi_conf // "conf.xml"
let modules_dir = paparazzi_conf // "modules"
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
let ids = Hashtbl.create 5
and names = Hashtbl.create 5 in
- (fun x ->
- if String.lowercase (Xml.tag x) = "aircraft" then
+ (fun x ->
+ if String.lowercase (Xml.tag x) = "aircraft" then
let id = ExtXml.attrib x "ac_id"
and name = ExtXml.attrib x "name" in
if Hashtbl.mem ids id then begin
@@ -55,21 +55,21 @@
Hashtbl.add ids id name;
Hashtbl.add names name id)
- (Xml.children conf)
+ (Xml.children conf)
let pipe_regexp = Str.regexp "|"
let targets_of_field = fun field ->
- try
- Str.split pipe_regexp (ExtXml.attrib_or_default field "target" "ap|sim")
+ try
+ Str.split pipe_regexp (ExtXml.attrib_or_default field "target" "ap|sim")
- _ -> []
+ _ -> []
(** singletonize a sorted list *)
let rec singletonize = fun l ->
match l with
- [] | [_] -> l
+ [] | [_] -> l
| x :: ((y :: t) as yt) -> if x = y then singletonize yt else x ::
singletonize yt
(** union of two lists *)
@@ -87,28 +87,28 @@
let get_modules = fun dir xml ->
(* extract all "modules" sections *)
let modules = List.map (fun x ->
- match String.lowercase (Xml.tag x) with
- "modules" -> Xml.children x
- | _ -> []
- ) (Xml.children xml) in
+ match String.lowercase (Xml.tag x) with
+ "modules" -> Xml.children x
+ | _ -> []
+ ) (Xml.children xml) in
(* flatten the list (result is a list of "load" xml nodes) *)
let modules = List.flatten modules in
(* build a list (file name, (xml, xml list of flags)) *)
let extract = List.map (fun m ->
- match String.lowercase (Xml.tag m) with
- "load" -> let file = dir // ExtXml.attrib m "name" in
- (file, (ExtXml.parse_file file, Xml.children m))
- | tag -> failwith (sprintf "Warning: tag load is undefined; found '%s'"
- ) modules in
+ match String.lowercase (Xml.tag m) with
+ "load" -> let file = dir // ExtXml.attrib m "name" in
+ (file, (ExtXml.parse_file file, Xml.children m))
+ | tag -> failwith (sprintf "Warning: tag load is undefined; found '%s'"
+ ) modules in
(* return a list of name and a list of pairs (xml, xml list) *)
List.split extract
(** [get_targets_of_module xml] Returns the list of targets of a module *)
let get_targets_of_module = fun m ->
let targets = List.map (fun x ->
- match String.lowercase (Xml.tag x) with
- "makefile" -> targets_of_field x
- | _ -> []
+ match String.lowercase (Xml.tag x) with
+ "makefile" -> targets_of_field x
+ | _ -> []
) (Xml.children m) in
(* return a singletonized list *)
singletonize (List.sort compare (List.flatten targets))
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@
let dir = List.map (fun (m, _) -> try Xml.attrib m "dir" with _ ->
ExtXml.attrib m "name") modules in
singletonize (List.sort compare dir)
- Search and dump the module section :
- xml : the parsed airframe.xml
- f : makefile.ac
+ Search and dump the module section :
+ xml : the parsed airframe.xml
+ f : makefile.ac
let dump_module_section = fun xml f ->
(* get modules *)
@@ -142,172 +142,172 @@
List.iter (fun dir -> let dir_name = (String.uppercase dir)^"_DIR" in
fprintf f "%s = modules/%s\n" dir_name dir) dir_list;
(* parse each module *)
List.iter (fun (m, flags) ->
- let name = ExtXml.attrib m "name" in
- let dir = try Xml.attrib m "dir" with _ -> name in
- let dir_name = (String.uppercase dir)^"_DIR" in
- (* get the list of all the targes for this module *)
- let module_target_list = get_targets_of_module m in
- (* print global flags as compilation defines and flags *)
- fprintf f "\n# makefile for module %s in modules/%s\n" name dir;
- List.iter (fun target ->
- List.iter (fun flag ->
- let name = ExtXml.attrib flag "name"
- and value = try "="^(Xml.attrib flag "value") with _ -> "" in
- fprintf f "%s.CFLAGS += -D%s%s\n" target name value
- ) flags
- ) module_target_list;
- (* Look for makefile section *)
- List.iter (fun l ->
- if ExtXml.tag_is l "makefile" then begin
- let targets = targets_of_field l in
- (* Look for defines, flags, files, ... *)
- List.iter (fun field ->
- match String.lowercase (Xml.tag field) with
- "flag" ->
- List.iter (fun target ->
- let value = try "="^(Xml.attrib field "value") with _ -> ""
- and name = Xml.attrib field "name" in
- let flag_type = match (ExtXml.attrib_or_default field "type"
"define") with
- "define" | "D" -> "D"
- | "include" | "I" -> "I"
- | _ -> "D" in
- fprintf f "%s.CFLAGS += -%s%s%s\n" target flag_type name value
- ) targets
- | "file" ->
- let name = Xml.attrib field "name" in
- List.iter (fun target -> fprintf f "%s.srcs += $(%s)/%s\n"
target dir_name name) targets
- | "file_hw" ->
- let name = Xml.attrib field "name" in
- List.iter (fun target -> fprintf f "%s.srcs +=
arch/$(ARCH)/$(%s)/%s\n" target dir_name name) targets
- | "define" ->
- let value = Xml.attrib field "value"
- and name = Xml.attrib field "name" in
- fprintf f "%s = %s\n" name value
- | "raw" ->
- begin match Xml.children field with
- [Xml.PCData s] -> fprintf f "%s\n" s
- | _ -> fprintf stderr "Warning: wrong makefile section in module
'%s'\n" name
- end
- | _ -> ()
- ) (Xml.children l)
- end) (Xml.children m)
- ) modules;
+ let name = ExtXml.attrib m "name" in
+ let dir = try Xml.attrib m "dir" with _ -> name in
+ let dir_name = (String.uppercase dir)^"_DIR" in
+ (* get the list of all the targes for this module *)
+ let module_target_list = get_targets_of_module m in
+ (* print global flags as compilation defines and flags *)
+ fprintf f "\n# makefile for module %s in modules/%s\n" name dir;
+ List.iter (fun target ->
+ List.iter (fun flag ->
+ let name = ExtXml.attrib flag "name"
+ and value = try "="^(Xml.attrib flag "value") with _ -> "" in
+ fprintf f "%s.CFLAGS += -D%s%s\n" target name value
+ ) flags
+ ) module_target_list;
+ (* Look for makefile section *)
+ List.iter (fun l ->
+ if ExtXml.tag_is l "makefile" then begin
+ let targets = targets_of_field l in
+ (* Look for defines, flags, files, ... *)
+ List.iter (fun field ->
+ match String.lowercase (Xml.tag field) with
+ "flag" ->
+ List.iter (fun target ->
+ let value = try "="^(Xml.attrib field "value")
with _ -> ""
+ and name = Xml.attrib field "name" in
+ let flag_type = match (ExtXml.attrib_or_default
field "type" "define") with
+ "define" | "D" -> "D"
+ | "include" | "I" -> "I"
+ | _ -> "D" in
+ fprintf f "%s.CFLAGS += -%s%s%s\n" target
flag_type name value
+ ) targets
+ | "file" ->
+ let name = Xml.attrib field "name" in
+ List.iter (fun target -> fprintf f "%s.srcs +=
$(%s)/%s\n" target dir_name name) targets
+ | "file_hw" ->
+ let name = Xml.attrib field "name" in
+ List.iter (fun target -> fprintf f "%s.srcs +=
arch/$(ARCH)/$(%s)/%s\n" target dir_name name) targets
+ | "define" ->
+ let value = Xml.attrib field "value"
+ and name = Xml.attrib field "name" in
+ fprintf f "%s = %s\n" name value
+ | "raw" ->
+ begin match Xml.children field with
+ [Xml.PCData s] -> fprintf f "%s\n" s
+ | _ -> fprintf stderr "Warning: wrong makefile
section in module '%s'\n" name
+ end
+ | _ -> ()
+ ) (Xml.children l)
+ end) (Xml.children m)
+ ) modules;
(** returns a list of modules file name *)
- Search and dump the makefile sections
+ Search and dump the makefile sections
let dump_makefile_section = fun xml makefile_ac airframe_infile
print_if_loc_after ->
List.iter (fun x ->
- if ExtXml.tag_is x "makefile" then begin
- let located_before = ref true in
- begin try
+ if ExtXml.tag_is x "makefile" then begin
+ let located_before = ref true in
+ begin try
located_before := not (String.compare (Xml.attrib x "location") "after"
= 0)
- with _ -> () end;
- if (not print_if_loc_after && !located_before) || (print_if_loc_after
&& not !located_before) then begin
+ with _ -> () end;
+ if (not print_if_loc_after && !located_before) ||
(print_if_loc_after && not !located_before) then begin
begin try
fprintf makefile_ac "\n# makefile target '%s'\n" (Xml.attrib x
with _ -> () end;
match Xml.children x with
- [Xml.PCData s] -> fprintf makefile_ac "%s\n" s
+ [Xml.PCData s] -> fprintf makefile_ac "%s\n" s
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "Warning: wrong makefile section in '%s':
%s\n" airframe_infile (Xml.to_string_fmt x))
- end
- end)
- (Xml.children xml)
+ end
+ end)
+ (Xml.children xml)
(** Firmware Children **)
let parse_subsystems = fun makefile_ac tag firmware ->
match Xml.tag firmware with
- "subsystem" ->
- begin try
- fprintf makefile_ac "# -subsystem: '%s' \n" (Xml.attrib firmware
- let has_subtype = ref false in
- begin try
- has_subtype := not (String.compare (Xml.attrib firmware "type") ""
= 0)
- with _ -> () end;
- let print_if_subsystem_define = (fun d ->
- if ExtXml.tag_is d "param" then begin
- fprintf makefile_ac "%s = %s\n"
- (String.uppercase(Xml.attrib d "name"))
- (Xml.attrib d "value");
- end) in
- List.iter print_if_subsystem_define (Xml.children firmware);
- fprintf makefile_ac "include $(CFG_%s)/%s"
- (String.uppercase(Xml.attrib tag "name"))
- (Xml.attrib firmware "name");
- if !has_subtype then
- fprintf makefile_ac "_%s"
- (Xml.attrib firmware "type");
- fprintf makefile_ac ".makefile\n"
- with _ -> () end;
+ "subsystem" ->
+ begin try
+ fprintf makefile_ac "# -subsystem: '%s' \n" (Xml.attrib
firmware "name");
+ let has_subtype = ref false in
+ begin try
+ has_subtype := not (String.compare (Xml.attrib firmware
"type") "" = 0)
+ with _ -> () end;
+ let print_if_subsystem_define = (fun d ->
+ if ExtXml.tag_is d "param" then begin
+ fprintf makefile_ac "%s = %s\n"
+ (String.uppercase(Xml.attrib d "name"))
+ (Xml.attrib d "value");
+ end) in
+ List.iter print_if_subsystem_define (Xml.children firmware);
+ fprintf makefile_ac "include $(CFG_%s)/%s"
+ (String.uppercase(Xml.attrib tag "name"))
+ (Xml.attrib firmware "name");
+ if !has_subtype then
+ fprintf makefile_ac "_%s"
+ (Xml.attrib firmware "type");
+ fprintf makefile_ac ".makefile\n"
+ with _ -> () end;
| _ -> ()
let parse_targets = fun makefile_ac tag target ->
match Xml.tag target with
| "target" ->
- begin try
- fprintf makefile_ac "\n###########\n# -target: '%s' \n" (Xml.attrib
target "name");
- fprintf makefile_ac "ifeq ($(TARGET), %s) \n" (Xml.attrib target
+ begin try
+ fprintf makefile_ac "\n###########\n# -target: '%s' \n"
(Xml.attrib target "name");
+ fprintf makefile_ac "ifeq ($(TARGET), %s) \n" (Xml.attrib
target "name");
let print_if_subsystem = (fun c ->
- if ExtXml.tag_is c "param" then begin
- fprintf makefile_ac "%s = %s\n"
- (String.uppercase(Xml.attrib c "name"))
- (Xml.attrib c "value")
- end) in
+ if ExtXml.tag_is c "param" then begin
+ fprintf makefile_ac "%s = %s\n"
+ (String.uppercase(Xml.attrib c "name"))
+ (Xml.attrib c "value")
+ end) in
List.iter print_if_subsystem (Xml.children target);
- let has_processor = ref false in
- begin try
- has_processor := not (String.compare (Xml.attrib target
"processor") "" = 0)
- with _ -> () end;
- if !has_processor then
- fprintf makefile_ac "BOARD_PROCESSOR = %s\n"
- (Xml.attrib target "processor");
- fprintf makefile_ac "include
$(PAPARAZZI_SRC)/conf/boards/%s.makefile\n" (Xml.attrib target "board");
+ let has_processor = ref false in
+ begin try
+ has_processor := not (String.compare (Xml.attrib target
"processor") "" = 0)
+ with _ -> () end;
+ if !has_processor then
+ fprintf makefile_ac "BOARD_PROCESSOR = %s\n"
+ (Xml.attrib target "processor");
+ fprintf makefile_ac "include
$(PAPARAZZI_SRC)/conf/boards/%s.makefile\n" (Xml.attrib target "board");
(** fprintf makefile_ac "%s.ARCHDIR = $(ARCHI)\n"
(Xml.attrib target "name") (Xml.attrib target "name")
(Xml.attrib target "name") (Xml.attrib target "name")
(Xml.attrib target "name") (Xml.attrib target "name");
**) fprintf makefile_ac "include
$(PAPARAZZI_SRC)/conf/autopilot/%s.makefile\n" (Xml.attrib tag "name");
let print_if_subsystem = (fun d ->
- if ExtXml.tag_is d "define" then begin
- let has_def_value = ref false in
- begin try
- has_def_value := not (String.compare (Xml.attrib d "value") ""
= 0)
- with _ -> () end;
- fprintf makefile_ac "%s.CFLAGS += -D%s"
- (Xml.attrib target "name")
- (Xml.attrib d "name");
- if !has_def_value then
- fprintf makefile_ac "=%s" (Xml.attrib d "value");
- fprintf makefile_ac "\n"
- end) in
+ if ExtXml.tag_is d "define" then begin
+ let has_def_value = ref false in
+ begin try
+ has_def_value := not (String.compare
(Xml.attrib d "value") "" = 0)
+ with _ -> () end;
+ fprintf makefile_ac "%s.CFLAGS += -D%s"
+ (Xml.attrib target "name")
+ (Xml.attrib d "name");
+ if !has_def_value then
+ fprintf makefile_ac "=%s" (Xml.attrib d
+ fprintf makefile_ac "\n"
+ end) in
List.iter print_if_subsystem (Xml.children target);
List.iter (parse_subsystems makefile_ac tag) (Xml.children target );
(** dump target subsystems **)
List.iter (parse_subsystems makefile_ac tag) (Xml.children tag );
(** dump firware subsystems **)
- fprintf makefile_ac "endif\n\n";
- with _ -> () end;
+ fprintf makefile_ac "endif\n\n";
+ with _ -> () end;
| _ -> ()
- Search and dump the firmware section
+ Search and dump the firmware section
let dump_firmware_sections = fun xml makefile_ac ->
List.iter (fun tag ->
- if ExtXml.tag_is tag "firmware" then begin
- begin try
- fprintf makefile_ac
- fprintf makefile_ac "# makefile firmware '%s' \n" (Xml.attrib tag
- fprintf makefile_ac
+ if ExtXml.tag_is tag "firmware" then begin
+ begin try
+ fprintf makefile_ac
+ fprintf makefile_ac "# makefile firmware '%s' \n" (Xml.attrib
tag "name");
+ fprintf makefile_ac
List.iter (parse_targets makefile_ac tag) (Xml.children tag )
- with _ -> () end;
- end)
- (Xml.children xml)
+ with _ -> () end;
+ end)
+ (Xml.children xml)
(** Extracts the makefile sections of an airframe file *)
let extract_makefile = fun airframe_file makefile_ac ->
let xml = Xml.parse_file airframe_file in
@@ -334,8 +334,8 @@
not (Sys.file_exists target_file) ||
let target_file_time = (U.stat target_file).U.st_mtime in
let rec loop = function
- [] -> false
- | f::fs ->
+ [] -> false
+ | f::fs ->
target_file_time < (U.stat f).U.st_mtime ||
loop fs in
loop dep_files
@@ -347,63 +347,63 @@
(******************************* MAIN ****************************************)
let () =
- if Array.length Sys.argv <> 2 then
- failwith (sprintf "Usage: %s <A/C ident (conf.xml)>" Sys.argv.(0));
- let aircraft = Sys.argv.(1) in
- let conf = Xml.parse_file conf_xml in
- check_unique_id_and_name conf;
- let aircraft_xml =
- try
+ if Array.length Sys.argv <> 2 then
+ failwith (sprintf "Usage: %s <A/C ident (conf.xml)>" Sys.argv.(0));
+ let aircraft = Sys.argv.(1) in
+ let conf = Xml.parse_file conf_xml in
+ check_unique_id_and_name conf;
+ let aircraft_xml =
+ try
ExtXml.child conf ~select:(fun x -> Xml.attrib x "name" = aircraft)
- with
+ with
Not_found -> failwith (sprintf "Aircraft '%s' not found in '%s'"
aircraft conf_xml)
- in
+ in
- let value = fun attrib -> ExtXml.attrib aircraft_xml attrib in
+ let value = fun attrib -> ExtXml.attrib aircraft_xml attrib in
- let aircraft_dir = Env.paparazzi_home // "var" // aircraft in
- let aircraft_conf_dir = aircraft_dir // "conf" in
+ let aircraft_dir = Env.paparazzi_home // "var" // aircraft in
+ let aircraft_conf_dir = aircraft_dir // "conf" in
- mkdir (Env.paparazzi_home // "var");
- mkdir aircraft_dir;
- mkdir (aircraft_dir // "fbw");
- mkdir (aircraft_dir // "autopilot");
- mkdir (aircraft_dir // "sim");
- mkdir aircraft_conf_dir;
- mkdir (aircraft_conf_dir // "airframes");
- mkdir (aircraft_conf_dir // "flight_plans");
- mkdir (aircraft_conf_dir // "radios");
- mkdir (aircraft_conf_dir // "settings");
- mkdir (aircraft_conf_dir // "telemetry");
+ mkdir (Env.paparazzi_home // "var");
+ mkdir aircraft_dir;
+ mkdir (aircraft_dir // "fbw");
+ mkdir (aircraft_dir // "autopilot");
+ mkdir (aircraft_dir // "sim");
+ mkdir aircraft_conf_dir;
+ mkdir (aircraft_conf_dir // "airframes");
+ mkdir (aircraft_conf_dir // "flight_plans");
+ mkdir (aircraft_conf_dir // "radios");
+ mkdir (aircraft_conf_dir // "settings");
+ mkdir (aircraft_conf_dir // "telemetry");
- let settings =
- try value "settings" with
- _ ->
+ let settings =
+ try value "settings" with
+ _ ->
fprintf stderr "\nWARNING: No 'settings' attribute specified for A/C
'%s', using 'settings/basic.xml'\n\n%!" aircraft;
"settings/basic.xml" in
- (** Expands the configuration of the A/C into one single file *)
- let conf_aircraft = Env.expand_ac_xml aircraft_xml in
- let configuration =
- make_element
+ (** Expands the configuration of the A/C into one single file *)
+ let conf_aircraft = Env.expand_ac_xml aircraft_xml in
+ let configuration =
+ make_element
[make_element "conf" [] [conf_aircraft]; Pprz.messages_xml ()] in
- let conf_aircraft_file = aircraft_conf_dir // "conf_aircraft.xml" in
- let f = open_out conf_aircraft_file in
- Printf.fprintf f "%s\n" (ExtXml.to_string_fmt configuration);
- close_out f;
+ let conf_aircraft_file = aircraft_conf_dir // "conf_aircraft.xml" in
+ let f = open_out conf_aircraft_file in
+ Printf.fprintf f "%s\n" (ExtXml.to_string_fmt configuration);
+ close_out f;
- (** Computes and store a signature of the configuration *)
- let md5sum = Digest.to_hex (Digest.file conf_aircraft_file) in
- let md5sum_file = aircraft_conf_dir // "aircraft.md5" in
- (* Store only if different from previous one *)
- if not (Sys.file_exists md5sum_file
- && md5sum = input_line (open_in md5sum_file)) then begin
+ (** Computes and store a signature of the configuration *)
+ let md5sum = Digest.to_hex (Digest.file conf_aircraft_file) in
+ let md5sum_file = aircraft_conf_dir // "aircraft.md5" in
+ (* Store only if different from previous one *)
+ if not (Sys.file_exists md5sum_file
+ && md5sum = input_line (open_in md5sum_file)) then begin
let f = open_out md5sum_file in
Printf.fprintf f "%s\n" md5sum;
close_out f;
(** Save the configuration for future use *)
let d = U.localtime (U.gettimeofday ()) in
let filename = sprintf
"%02d_%02d_%02d__%02d_%02d_%02d_%s_%s.conf" (d.U.tm_year mod 100)
(d.U.tm_mon+1) (d.U.tm_mday) (d.U.tm_hour) (d.U.tm_min) (d.U.tm_sec) md5sum
aircraft in
@@ -413,49 +413,49 @@
Printf.fprintf f "%s\n" (ExtXml.to_string_fmt configuration);
close_out f end;
- let airframe_file = value "airframe" in
+ let airframe_file = value "airframe" in
- let airframe_dir = Filename.dirname airframe_file in
- let var_airframe_dir = aircraft_conf_dir // airframe_dir in
- mkdir var_airframe_dir;
- assert (Sys.command (sprintf "cp %s %s" (paparazzi_conf // airframe_file)
var_airframe_dir) = 0);
- (** Calls the Makefile with target and options *)
- let make = fun target options ->
- let c = sprintf "make -f Makefile.ac AIRCRAFT=%s AC_ID=%s
AIRFRAME_XML=%s TELEMETRY=%s SETTINGS=\"%s\" MD5SUM=\"%s\" %s %s" aircraft
(value "ac_id") airframe_file (value "telemetry") settings md5sum options
target in
- begin (** Quiet is speficied in the Makefile *)
+ let airframe_dir = Filename.dirname airframe_file in
+ let var_airframe_dir = aircraft_conf_dir // airframe_dir in
+ mkdir var_airframe_dir;
+ assert (Sys.command (sprintf "cp %s %s" (paparazzi_conf //
airframe_file) var_airframe_dir) = 0);
+ (** Calls the Makefile with target and options *)
+ let make = fun target options ->
+ let c = sprintf "make -f Makefile.ac AIRCRAFT=%s AC_ID=%s
AIRFRAME_XML=%s TELEMETRY=%s SETTINGS=\"%s\" MD5SUM=\"%s\" %s %s" aircraft
(value "ac_id") airframe_file (value "telemetry") settings md5sum options
target in
+ begin (** Quiet is speficied in the Makefile *)
try if Sys.getenv "Q" <> "@" then raise Not_found with
Not_found -> prerr_endline c
- end;
- let returned_code = Sys.command c in
- if returned_code <> 0 then
+ end;
+ let returned_code = Sys.command c in
+ if returned_code <> 0 then
exit returned_code in
- (** Calls the makefile if the optional attribute is available *)
- let make_opt = fun target var attr ->
- try
+ (** Calls the makefile if the optional attribute is available *)
+ let make_opt = fun target var attr ->
+ try
let value = Xml.attrib aircraft_xml attr in
make target (sprintf "%s=%s" var value)
- with
+ with
Xml.No_attribute _ -> () in
- let temp_makefile_ac = Filename.temp_file "Makefile.ac" "tmp" in
- let abs_airframe_file = paparazzi_conf // airframe_file in
+ let temp_makefile_ac = Filename.temp_file "Makefile.ac" "tmp" in
+ let abs_airframe_file = paparazzi_conf // airframe_file in
- let modules_files = extract_makefile abs_airframe_file temp_makefile_ac in
+ let modules_files = extract_makefile abs_airframe_file temp_makefile_ac
- (* Create Makefile.ac only if needed *)
- let makefile_ac = aircraft_dir // "Makefile.ac" in
- if is_older makefile_ac (abs_airframe_file :: modules_files) then begin
- assert(Sys.command (sprintf "mv %s %s" temp_makefile_ac makefile_ac) = 0)
- end;
+ (* Create Makefile.ac only if needed *)
+ let makefile_ac = aircraft_dir // "Makefile.ac" in
+ if is_older makefile_ac (abs_airframe_file :: modules_files) then begin
+ assert(Sys.command (sprintf "mv %s %s" temp_makefile_ac makefile_ac)
= 0)
+ end;
- (* Get TARGET env, needed to build modules.h according to the target *)
- let t = Printf.sprintf "TARGET=%s" (try Sys.getenv "TARGET" with _ -> "")
- make "all_ac_h" t;
- make_opt "radio_ac_h" "RADIO" "radio";
- make_opt "flight_plan_ac_h" "FLIGHT_PLAN" "flight_plan"
+ (* Get TARGET env, needed to build modules.h according to the target *)
+ let t = Printf.sprintf "TARGET=%s" (try Sys.getenv "TARGET" with _ ->
"") in
+ make "all_ac_h" t;
+ make_opt "radio_ac_h" "RADIO" "radio";
+ make_opt "flight_plan_ac_h" "FLIGHT_PLAN" "flight_plan"
- Failure f ->
- prerr_endline f;
- exit 1
+ Failure f ->
+ prerr_endline f;
+ exit 1
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- [paparazzi-commits] [5938] cleanup whitespaces,
Felix Ruess <=