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[paparazzi-commits] [4528] remove parsing of airborne device in airframe
From: |
Pascal Brisset |
Subject: |
[paparazzi-commits] [4528] remove parsing of airborne device in airframe files ( useless and error prone) |
Date: |
Tue, 02 Feb 2010 21:54:29 +0000 |
Revision: 4528
Author: hecto
Date: 2010-02-02 21:54:28 +0000 (Tue, 02 Feb 2010)
Log Message:
remove parsing of airborne device in airframe files (useless and error prone)
Modified Paths:
Modified: paparazzi3/trunk/sw/ground_segment/tmtc/link.ml
--- paparazzi3/trunk/sw/ground_segment/tmtc/link.ml 2010-02-02 21:49:23 UTC
(rev 4527)
+++ paparazzi3/trunk/sw/ground_segment/tmtc/link.ml 2010-02-02 21:54:28 UTC
(rev 4528)
@@ -49,10 +49,6 @@
fd : Unix.file_descr; transport : transport ; baud_rate : int
-type airborne_device =
- XBeeDevice
- | Uart (** For HITL for example *)
(* We assume here a single modem is used *)
let my_id = 0
@@ -75,21 +71,7 @@
| Some start_time -> Some (Unix.gettimeofday () -. start_time) in
Tm_Pprz.message_send ?timestamp sender name vs
-let ios = int_of_string
-let (//) = Filename.concat
-let conf_dir = Env.paparazzi_home // "conf"
-let airborne_device = fun device ->
- match device with
- "XBEE" -> XBeeDevice
- | "PPRZ" | "AEROCOMM" -> Uart
- | _ -> failwith (sprintf "Link: unknown datalink: %s" device)
-let get_define = fun xml name ->
- let xml = ExtXml.child ~select:(fun d -> ExtXml.tag_is d "define" &&
ExtXml.attrib d "name" = name) xml "define" in
- ExtXml.attrib xml "value"
(*********** Monitoring *************************************************)
type status = {
mutable last_rx_byte : int;
@@ -175,41 +157,6 @@
-let airframes =
- let conf_file = conf_dir // "conf.xml" in
- List.fold_right (fun a r ->
- if ExtXml.tag_is a "aircraft" then
- let airframe_file = conf_dir // ExtXml.attrib a "airframe" in
- try
- let airframe_xml = Xml.parse_file airframe_file in
- let dls = ExtXml.child ~select:(fun s -> Xml.attrib s "name" =
"DATALINK") airframe_xml "section" in
- let device = get_define dls "DEVICE_TYPE" in
- let dl = airborne_device device in
- (ios (ExtXml.attrib a "ac_id"), dl)::r
- with
- Not_found -> r
- | Xml.File_not_found f ->
- fprintf stderr "Error in '%s', file not found: %s\n%!" conf_file f;
- r
- | exc ->
- fprintf stderr "Error in '%s', ignoring: %s\n%!" airframe_file
(Printexc.to_string exc);
- r
- else
- r)
- (Xml.children (Xml.parse_file conf_file))
- []
-exception NotSendingToThis
-let airborne_device = fun ac_id airframes device ->
- let ac_device = try Some (List.assoc ac_id airframes) with Not_found -> None
- match ac_device, device with
- (None, Pprz) | (Some Uart, Pprz) -> Uart
- | (Some (XBeeDevice as ac_device), XBee) ->
- ac_device
- | _ -> raise NotSendingToThis
let use_tele_message = fun ?udp_peername ?raw_data_size payload ->
let raw_data_size = match raw_data_size with None -> String.length
(Serial.string_of_payload payload) | Some d -> d in
let buf = Serial.string_of_payload payload in
@@ -345,19 +292,19 @@
let n = Unix.sendto fd buf 0 len [] sockaddr in
assert (n = len)
-let send = fun ac_id device ac_device payload _priority ->
+let send = fun ac_id device payload _priority ->
if live_aircraft ac_id then
match udp_peername ac_id with
Some (Unix.ADDR_INET (peername, _port)) ->
udp_send device.fd payload peername
| _ ->
- match ac_device with
- Uart ->
+ match device.transport with
+ Pprz ->
let o = Unix.out_channel_of_descr device.fd in
let buf = Pprz.Transport.packet payload in
Printf.fprintf o "%s" buf; flush o;
Debug.call 'l' (fun f -> fprintf f "mm sending: %s\n" (Debug.xprint
- | XBeeDevice ->
+ | XBee ->
XB.send ~ac_id device payload
@@ -421,13 +368,9 @@
let forwarder = fun name _sender vs ->
Debug.call 'f' (fun f -> fprintf f "forward %s\n" name);
let ac_id = Pprz.int_assoc "ac_id" vs in
- try
- let ac_device = airborne_device ac_id airframes device.transport in
- let msg_id, _ = Dl_Pprz.message_of_name name in
- let s = Dl_Pprz.payload_of_values msg_id my_id vs in
- send ac_id device ac_device s High
- with
- NotSendingToThis -> () in
+ let msg_id, _ = Dl_Pprz.message_of_name name in
+ let s = Dl_Pprz.payload_of_values msg_id my_id vs in
+ send ac_id device s High in
let set_forwarder = fun name ->
ignore (Dl_Pprz.message_bind name (forwarder name)) in
@@ -451,10 +394,9 @@
let send_ping_msg = fun device ->
(fun ac_id status ->
- let ac_device = airborne_device ac_id airframes device.transport in
let msg_id, _ = Dl_Pprz.message_of_name "PING" in
let s = Dl_Pprz.payload_of_values msg_id my_id [] in
- send ac_id device ac_device s High;
+ send ac_id device s High;
status.last_ping <- Unix.gettimeofday ()
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- [paparazzi-commits] [4528] remove parsing of airborne device in airframe files ( useless and error prone),
Pascal Brisset <=