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[paparazzi-commits] [4489] replace UTM distances by ECEF distance
From: |
Pascal Brisset |
Subject: |
[paparazzi-commits] [4489] replace UTM distances by ECEF distance |
Date: |
Mon, 25 Jan 2010 17:33:46 +0000 |
Revision: 4489
Author: hecto
Date: 2010-01-25 17:33:45 +0000 (Mon, 25 Jan 2010)
Log Message:
replace UTM distances by ECEF distance
Modified Paths:
Modified: paparazzi3/trunk/sw/ground_segment/cockpit/live.ml
--- paparazzi3/trunk/sw/ground_segment/cockpit/live.ml 2010-01-25 15:41:09 UTC
(rev 4488)
+++ paparazzi3/trunk/sw/ground_segment/cockpit/live.ml 2010-01-25 17:33:45 UTC
(rev 4489)
@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@
match ac.track#last with
None -> ()
| Some ac_pos ->
- let d = LL.utm_distance (LL.utm_of WGS84 ac_pos) (LL.utm_of WGS84 geo) in
+ let d = LL.wgs84_distance ac_pos geo in
if d < ac.speed *. approaching_alert_time then
log_and_say alert ac.ac_name (sprintf "%s, approaching" ac.ac_name)
@@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@
(* Estimated Time Arrival to next waypoint *)
let d = Pprz.float_assoc "dist_to_wp" vs in
let label =
- if d = ac.last_dist_to_wp || ac.speed = 0. then
+ if d = 0. || ac.speed = 0. then
sprintf "%.0fs" (d /. ac.speed) in
Modified: paparazzi3/trunk/sw/lib/ocaml/latlong.ml
--- paparazzi3/trunk/sw/lib/ocaml/latlong.ml 2010-01-25 15:41:09 UTC (rev
+++ paparazzi3/trunk/sw/lib/ocaml/latlong.ml 2010-01-25 17:33:45 UTC (rev
@@ -61,8 +61,6 @@
type angle_unit = Semi | Rad | Deg | Grd
-type cartesian = {x : float; y : float; z: float }
let piradian = function
Semi -> 2. ** 31. | Rad -> pi | Deg -> 180. | Grd -> 200.
let (>>) u1 u2 x = (x *. piradian u2) /. piradian u1;;
@@ -112,6 +110,7 @@
let wgs84 = { dx = 0.; dy = 0.; dz = 0. ; a = 6378137.0; df =
0.0033528106647474805 ; e = 0.08181919106}
let ed50 = { dx = -87.0; dy = -98.0; dz = -121.0 ; a = 6378388.0; df =
0.003367003367003367 ; e = 0.08199188998}
let nad27 = { dx = 0.0; dy = 125.0; dz = 194.0 ; a = wgs84.a-. -.69.4; df =
wgs84.df-. -0.37264639 /. 1e4 ; e = 0.08181919106(*** ??? ***)}
+let grs80 = { dx = 0.; dy = 0.; dz = 0. ; a = 6378137.0; df =
0.00335281068118231879 ; e = 0.0818191910428151675}
type geodesic = NTF | ED50 | WGS84 | NAD27
type ntf = geographic
@@ -132,16 +131,17 @@
if abs_float (phi' -. phi) < epsilon then phi' else loop phi' in
loop phi0;;
+(* http://professionnels.ign.fr/DISPLAY/000/526/700/5267002/transformation.pdf
type lambert_zone = {
ellipsoid : ellipsoid;
phi0 : radian;
- lphi0 : float;
- r0 : float;
+ c : float;
lambda0 : radian;
y0 : int;
x0 : int;
ys : int;
- k0 : float (* facteur d'\xE9chelle *)
+ n : float
type meter = int
@@ -154,62 +154,73 @@
let e_prime_square d = 1.0 /. (1.0 -. d) ** 2.0 -. 1.0;;
-(* From http://www.tandt.be/wis/WiS/eqntf.html et
http://www.ign.fr/MP/GEOD/geodesie/coordonnees.html *)
-let lambertI = {
- ellipsoid = ntf;
- lambda0 = (Deg>>Rad) (decimal 2 20 14.025);
- phi0 = (Deg>>Rad) (decimal 49 30 0.);
- x0 = 600000;
- y0 = 200000;
- ys = 5657617;
- lphi0 = 0.991996665;
- r0 = 5457616.674;
- k0 = 0.99987734
+(* From http://www.winnepenninckx.com/Geo/WiS/eqntf.html et
http://www.ign.fr/DISPLAY/000/526/701/5267019/NTG_71.pdf *)
+let lambertI =
+ let phi0 = (Deg>>Rad) (decimal 49 30 0.) in
+ { ellipsoid = ntf;
+ lambda0 = (Deg>>Rad) (decimal 2 20 14.025);
+ phi0 = phi0;
+ x0 = 600000;
+ y0 = 200000;
+ ys = 5657617;
+ c = 11603796.98;
+ n = sin phi0 (* tangent projection *)
+ };;
-let lambertII = {
- ellipsoid = ntf;
- lambda0 = (Deg>>Rad) (decimal 2 20 14.025);
- phi0 = (Deg>>Rad) (decimal 46 48 0.);
- x0 = 600000;
- y0 = 2200000;
- ys = 6199696;
- lphi0 = 0.921557361;
- r0 = 5999695.77;
- k0 = 0.99987742};;
+let lambertII =
+ let phi0 = (Deg>>Rad) (decimal 46 48 0.) in
+ { ellipsoid = ntf;
+ lambda0 = (Deg>>Rad) (decimal 2 20 14.025);
+ phi0 = phi0;
+ x0 = 600000;
+ y0 = 2200000;
+ ys = 6199696;
+ c = 11745793.39;
+ n = sin phi0 (* tangent projection *)
+ };;
let lambertIIe = { lambertII with ys = 8199696 };;
-let lambertIII = {
- ellipsoid = ntf;
- lambda0 = (Deg>>Rad) (decimal 2 20 14.025);
- phi0 = (Deg>>Rad) (decimal 44 6 0.);
- x0 = 600000;
- y0 = 3200000;
- ys = 6791905;
- lphi0 = 0.854591098;
- r0 = 6591905.08;
- k0 = 0.99987750};;
+let lambertIII =
+ let phi0 = (Deg>>Rad) (decimal 44 6 0.) in
+ { ellipsoid = ntf;
+ lambda0 = (Deg>>Rad) (decimal 2 20 14.025);
+ phi0 = phi0;
+ x0 = 600000;
+ y0 = 3200000;
+ ys = 6791905;
+ c = 11947992.52;
+ n = sin phi0 (* tangent projection *)
+ };;
-let lambertIV = {
- ellipsoid = ntf;
- lambda0 = (Deg>>Rad) (decimal 2 20 14.025);
- phi0 = (Deg>>Rad) (decimal 42 09 54.);
- x0 = 234;
- y0 = 4185861;
- ys = 7239162;
- lphi0 = 0.808475773;
- r0 = 7053300.18;
- k0 = 0.99994471
+let lambertIV =
+ let phi0 = (Deg>>Rad) (decimal 42 09 54.) in
+ {
+ ellipsoid = ntf;
+ lambda0 = (Deg>>Rad) (decimal 2 20 14.025);
+ phi0 = phi0;
+ x0 = 234;
+ y0 = 4185861;
+ ys = 7239162;
+ c = 12136281.99;
+ n = sin phi0; (* tangent projection *)
+ };;
+let lambert93 = {
+ ellipsoid = grs80;
+ lambda0 = (Deg>>Rad) (decimal 3 0 0.0);
+ phi0 = (Deg>>Rad) (decimal 46 30 0.);
+ x0 = 700000;
+ y0 = 6600000;
+ ys = 12655612;
+ c = 11754255.426;
+ n = 0.725607765053268738 (* Secant projection *)
-let lambert_n l = sin l.phi0
+let lambert_n l = l.n
+let lambert_c = fun l -> l.c
-let lambert_c l =
- let n = lambert_n l in
- l.r0 *. exp (l.lphi0 *. n)
let of_lambert l { lbt_x = x; lbt_y = y } =
let c = lambert_c l and n = lambert_n l in
@@ -378,33 +389,6 @@
let d4 = atan2 d24 d23 in
make_geo d3 d4
-let cartesian_of ellips ({posn_long = lambda; posn_lat = phi} as pos) h =
- if not (valid_geo pos) || h < 0. then
- invalid_arg "Latlong.(<<)";
- let geo = ellipsoid_of ellips in
- let w = sqrt (1. -. geo.e**2. *. sin phi ** 2.)in
- let n = geo.a /. w in
- let x = (n+.h) *. cos phi *. cos lambda
- and y = (n+.h) *. cos phi *. sin lambda
- and z = (n*.(1.-.geo.e**2.)+.h) *. sin phi in
- { x = x; y = y; z = z}
-let of_cartesian ellips {x=x;y=y;z=z} =
- let geo = ellipsoid_of ellips in
- let epsilon = 1e-11 in
- let xy = sqrt (x**2. +. y**2.)
- and r = sqrt (x**2. +. y**2. +. z**2.)
- and e2 = geo.e**2. in
- let z_xy = z /. xy in
- let lambda = 2. *. atan (y /. (x +. xy))
- and phi0 = atan (z_xy /. sqrt (1.-.geo.a*.e2/.r)) in
- let rec iter phi =
- let phi' = atan (z_xy /. (1.-.geo.a*.e2*.cos phi/.xy/.sqrt (1.-.e2*. sin
phi ** 2.))) in
- if abs_float (phi -. phi') > epsilon then iter phi' else phi' in
- let phi = iter phi0 in
- let h = xy/.cos phi -. geo.a /. sqrt (1.-.e2*.sin phi ** 2.) in
- (make_geo phi lambda, h)
let utm_distance = fun utm1 utm2 ->
if utm1.utm_zone <> utm2.utm_zone then invalid_arg "utm_distance";
sqrt ((utm1.utm_x -. utm2.utm_x)**2. +. (utm1.utm_y -. utm2.utm_y)**2.)
@@ -558,13 +542,9 @@
let fprint_ecef = fun c x -> Printf.fprintf c "[%.2f %.2f %.2f]" x.(0) x.(1)
let fprint_ned = fprint_ecef
-let geocentric_of_ecef = fun r ->
- let xr = r.(0) and yr = r.(1) and zr = r.(2) in
- let phiP = atan2 zr (sqrt (xr*.xr +. yr*.yr))
- and lambda = atan2 yr xr in
- (phiP, lambda)
+let ecef_distance = fun e1 e2 ->
+ sqrt ((e1.(0)-.e2.(0))**2. +. (e1.(1)-.e2.(1))**2. +. (e1.(2)-.e2.(2))**2.)
let ecef_of_geo = fun geo ->
let elps = ellipsoid_of geo in
let e2 = 2.*.elps.df -. elps.df*.elps.df in
@@ -714,3 +694,9 @@
(float geoid_data.(ilat1).(ilon2))
(float geoid_data.(ilat2).(ilon1))
(float geoid_data.(ilat2).(ilon2))
+let wgs84_distance = fun geo1 geo2 ->
+ let e1 = ecef_of_geo WGS84 geo1 0.
+ and e2 = ecef_of_geo WGS84 geo1 0. in
+ ecef_distance e1 e2
Modified: paparazzi3/trunk/sw/lib/ocaml/latlong.mli
--- paparazzi3/trunk/sw/lib/ocaml/latlong.mli 2010-01-25 15:41:09 UTC (rev
+++ paparazzi3/trunk/sw/lib/ocaml/latlong.mli 2010-01-25 17:33:45 UTC (rev
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
val lambertIIe : lambert_zone
val lambertIII : lambert_zone
val lambertIV : lambert_zone
+val lambert93 : lambert_zone
(** French lambert zones *)
@@ -65,12 +66,11 @@
type semicircle = { lat : semi; long : semi; }
type geographic = { posn_lat : radian; posn_long : radian; }
-type cartesian = { x : float; y : float; z : float; }
type meter = int
type fmeter = float
type lambert = { lbt_x : meter; lbt_y : meter; }
type utm = { utm_x : fmeter; utm_y : fmeter; utm_zone : int; }
-(** Position units. Coordinates are in meters in the [cartesian] type. *)
+(** Position units. *)
val norm_angle : float -> float
(** [norm_angle rad] Returns an angle -pi<= < pi *)
@@ -98,27 +98,15 @@
val of_semicircle : semicircle -> geographic
val semicircle_of : geographic -> semicircle
-type ntf = geographic
-(** Type alias for documentation purpose *)
+val of_lambert : lambert_zone -> lambert -> geographic
+val lambert_of : lambert_zone -> geographic -> lambert
+(** Conversions between geographic (in NTF or GRS80) and lambert *)
-val of_lambert : lambert_zone -> lambert -> ntf
-val lambert_of : lambert_zone -> ntf -> lambert
-(** Conversions between geographic (in NTF) and lambert *)
val utm_of' : geodesic -> geographic -> utm
val utm_of : geodesic -> geographic -> utm
val of_utm : geodesic -> utm -> geographic
(** Conversions between geographic and UTM. May raise Invalid_argument. *)
-val cartesian_of : geodesic -> geographic -> float -> cartesian
-(** [cartesian_of geode geo alt] converts position [geo] at altitude [alt]
-expressed in [geode] into cartesian coordinates *)
-val of_cartesian : geodesic -> cartesian -> geographic * float
-(** [of_cartesian geode xyz] converts cartesian coordinates [xyz] into
-geographic coordinates and altitude expressed in geodesic referential
-[geode] *)
val utm_distance : utm -> utm -> fmeter
val utm_add : utm -> (fmeter * fmeter) -> utm
@@ -185,6 +173,8 @@
val fprint_ecef : out_channel -> ecef -> unit
val fprint_ned : out_channel -> ned -> unit
+val ecef_distance : ecef -> ecef -> fmeter
val ned_of_ecef : ecef -> ecef -> ned
(** [ned_of_ecef r p] Returns the coordinates of [p] in a local NED (north
east down)
located in [r] *)
@@ -199,3 +189,6 @@
(** [geo_of_ecef ellipsoid geo ecef] Returns llh *)
val wgs84_hmsl : geographic -> fmeter
+val wgs84_distance : geographic -> geographic -> fmeter
+(** Distance over the WGS84 ellipsoid *)
Modified: paparazzi3/trunk/sw/lib/ocaml/mapWaypoints.ml
--- paparazzi3/trunk/sw/lib/ocaml/mapWaypoints.ml 2010-01-25 15:41:09 UTC
(rev 4488)
+++ paparazzi3/trunk/sw/lib/ocaml/mapWaypoints.ml 2010-01-25 17:33:45 UTC
(rev 4489)
@@ -266,11 +266,10 @@
and dy = (yw-.yw0)*.z
and dz = match altitude with Some a -> a -. alt | _ -> 0. in
- let current_utm = utm_of WGS84 self#pos
- and new_utm = utm_of WGS84 wgs84 in
- let d = utm_distance current_utm new_utm in
+ let current_ecef = ecef_of_geo WGS84 self#pos self#alt
+ and new_ecef = ecef_of_geo WGS84 wgs84 (alt+.dz) in
- let new_pos = d*.d +. dz*.dz > 3. in
+ let new_pos = ecef_distance current_ecef new_ecef > 2. in
match moved, new_pos with
None, true ->
self#move dx dy;
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- [paparazzi-commits] [4489] replace UTM distances by ECEF distance,
Pascal Brisset <=