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[paparazzi-commits] [4456] add timestamp handling (if provided, log wit
From: |
Pascal Brisset |
Subject: |
[paparazzi-commits] [4456] add timestamp handling (if provided, log with this timestamp) |
Date: |
Mon, 18 Jan 2010 20:34:33 +0000 |
Revision: 4456
Author: hecto
Date: 2010-01-18 20:34:33 +0000 (Mon, 18 Jan 2010)
Log Message:
add timestamp handling (if provided, log with this timestamp)
Modified Paths:
Modified: paparazzi3/trunk/sw/ground_segment/tmtc/server.ml
--- paparazzi3/trunk/sw/ground_segment/tmtc/server.ml 2010-01-18 20:33:23 UTC
(rev 4455)
+++ paparazzi3/trunk/sw/ground_segment/tmtc/server.ml 2010-01-18 20:34:33 UTC
(rev 4456)
@@ -66,30 +66,10 @@
let make_element = fun t a c -> Xml.Element (t,a,c)
-let expand_ac_xml = fun ac_conf ->
- let prefix = fun s -> sprintf "%s/conf/%s" Env.paparazzi_home s in
- let parse = fun a ->
- let file = prefix (ExtXml.attrib ac_conf a) in
- try
- Xml.parse_file file
- with
- Xml.File_not_found _ ->
- prerr_endline (sprintf "File not found: %s" file);
- make_element "file_not_found" ["file",a] []
- | Xml.Error e ->
- let s = Xml.error e in
- prerr_endline (sprintf "Parse error in %s: %s" file s);
- make_element "cannot_parse" ["file",file;"error", s] [] in
- let fp = parse "flight_plan" in
- let af = parse "airframe" in
- let rc = parse "radio" in
- let children = Xml.children address@hidden; af; rc] in
- make_element (Xml.tag ac_conf) (Xml.attribs ac_conf) children
let log_xml = fun timeofday data_file ->
let conf_children =
- (fun x -> if Xml.tag x = "aircraft" then expand_ac_xml x else x)
+ (fun x -> if Xml.tag x = "aircraft" then Env.expand_ac_xml x
else x)
(Xml.children conf_xml) in
let expanded_conf = make_element (Xml.tag conf_xml) (Xml.attribs conf_xml)
conf_children in
@@ -120,11 +100,14 @@
-let log = fun logging ac_name msg_name values ->
+let log = fun ?timestamp logging ac_name msg_name values ->
match logging with
Some log ->
let s = string_of_values values in
- let t = U.gettimeofday () -. start_time in
+ let t =
+ match timestamp with
+ Some x -> x
+ | None -> U.gettimeofday () -. start_time in
fprintf log "%.3f %s %s %s\n" t ac_name msg_name s; flush log
| None -> ()
@@ -132,11 +115,12 @@
(** Callback for a message from a registered A/C *)
let ac_msg = fun messages_xml logging ac_name ac ->
let module Tele_Pprz = Pprz.MessagesOfXml(struct let xml = messages_xml let
name="telemetry" end) in
- fun m ->
+ fun ts m ->
+ let timestamp = try Some (float_of_string ts) with _ -> None in
let (msg_id, values) = Tele_Pprz.values_of_string m in
let msg = Tele_Pprz.message_of_id msg_id in
- log logging ac_name msg.Pprz.name values;
+ log ?timestamp logging ac_name msg.Pprz.name values;
Fw_server.log_and_parse ac_name ac msg values;
Booz_server.log_and_parse ac_name ac msg values
@@ -448,6 +432,10 @@
let ac_name = ExtXml.attrib conf "name" in
let var_aircraft_dir = Env.paparazzi_home // root_dir // "var" // ac_name in
+ if not (Sys.file_exists var_aircraft_dir) then begin
+ (* Let's look for a backup configuration with the md5 signature *)
+ end;
let fp_file = var_aircraft_dir // "flight_plan.xml" in
let xml_fp = ExtXml.child (Xml.parse_file fp_file) "flight_plan" in
@@ -548,7 +536,7 @@
let get_md5sum = fun () -> Pprz.assoc "md5sum" vs in
let ac, messages_xml = new_aircraft get_md5sum name in
let ac_msg_closure = ac_msg messages_xml log name ac in
- let _b = Ivy.bind (fun _ args -> ac_msg_closure args.(0)) (sprintf "^%s
+(.*)" name) in
+ let _b = Ivy.bind (fun _ args -> ac_msg_closure args.(1) args.(2))
(sprintf "^(([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+) )?%s +(.*)" name) in
register_aircraft name ac;
Ground_Pprz.message_send my_id "NEW_AIRCRAFT" ["ac_id", Pprz.String name]
@@ -568,7 +556,7 @@
let send_config = fun http _asker args ->
let ac_id' = Pprz.string_assoc "ac_id" args in
- let is_replayed, ac_id, root_dir, conf_xml = replayed ac_id' in
+ let _is_replayed, ac_id, root_dir, conf_xml = replayed ac_id' in
let conf = ExtXml.child conf_xml "aircraft" ~select:(fun x ->
ExtXml.attrib x "ac_id" = ac_id) in
let ac_name = ExtXml.attrib conf "name" in
@@ -668,7 +656,7 @@
(* main loop *)
-let _ =
+let () =
let ivy_bus = ref ""
and logging = ref true
and http = ref false in
@@ -682,7 +670,9 @@
"-n", Arg.Clear logging, "Disable log";
"-no_md5_check", Arg.Set no_md5_check, "Disable safety matching of live
and current configurations";
"-replay_old_log", Arg.Set replay_old_log, "Enable aircraft registering
on PPRZ_MODE messages"] in
- Arg.parse (options)
+ Arg.parse
+ options
(fun x -> Printf.fprintf stderr "%s: Warning: Don't do anything with '%s'
argument\n" Sys.argv.(0) x)
"Usage: ";
@@ -694,16 +684,17 @@
let logging =
if !logging then
(* Opens the log file *)
- let log = logger () in
- (* Waits for new simulated aircrafts *)
- (Some log)
+ Some (logger ())
None in
+ (* Waits for new aircrafts *)
listen_acs logging;
+ (* Forward messages from ground agents to vehicles *)
ground_to_uplink logging;
- (* Waits for client requests on the Ivy bus *)
+ (* Waits for client configurations requests on the Ivy bus *)
ivy_server !http;
let loop = Glib.Main.create true in
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- [paparazzi-commits] [4456] add timestamp handling (if provided, log with this timestamp),
Pascal Brisset <=