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Re: [Pan-users] Pan's new (May) rgb() color settings not working correct

From: Duncan
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Pan's new (May) rgb() color settings not working correctly
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2024 09:38:50 -0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.159 (Vovchansk; 31ef135e0f26f291353a9d648af0f0f7a0879ea6)

Dominique Dumont posted on Sat, 20 Jul 2024 18:21:21 +0200 as excerpted:

> One that I've figured out is that g_object_set is used a lot to tweak
> colors and this call requires a string returned by gdk_rgba_to_string().
> This requires to convert 'rgb(x,y.z)' strings to GdkRGBA and then to
> convert in an hexa string.

That's pretty much where I was going too, thinking there must be a missing 
conversion somewhere and (without being a real coder) trying to poke it 
until it worked, looking at g_object_set among others.

> g_object_set also accepts foreground-rgba parameters, but I could not
> make it work.

The sticky wicket is how much hexa there still is and the constant format 
conversion.  My naive pre-source-check impression of the commit notes was 
that it's all removed with rgb(r,g,b) replacing.  How wrong that was!  No 
wonder a conversion or two seem to have been missed somewhere or be 
slightly misformatted or something thus bugging it!

Meanwhile, one thing I've concluded in all this as someone much more used 
to hacking on kde code: Certainly as compared to pan on gtk, with the kde 
frameworks sitting on top of qt, often, what's left at the app level is 
little more than glue code (true, often C++ glue code tho often it's 
qtscript, but glue code, none-the-less), something a shell-scripting admin 
can easily get their minds around (especially with the good commenting).  
The gtk API code pan uses is a *lot* lower level and harder for a shell-
scripting-admin-type reader (the once upon a decades-ago semester or two 
of pascal not withstanding) to grok and hack on!

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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