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[Openexr-devel] Seeking clarification about using OpenEXR headers

From: Richard Addison-Wood
Subject: [Openexr-devel] Seeking clarification about using OpenEXR headers
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 17:22:22 +1300
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090827)


This has annoyed me at various points in the past, but since it showed up again for me today, I thought I would seek clarification.

I have been assuming the the intended way for including OpenEXR headers was using this form:

#include <ImfInputFile.h>

Certainly, that is how the examples that come with OpenEXR include the headers.

However, I do see source code out in the wild that uses this form instead:

#include <OpenEXR/ImfInputFile.h>

Which form is actually intended to be used?

As an illustration, assume that I have a selected version of the headers available like this:


So I build using -I/libraries/OpenEXR/N.N.N/include with the expectation that that the former #include form is used. However, if the source code uses the latter #include form, the code can end up picking up a different version of the headers such as the version that is provided with the Linux distribution, such as:


There are various ways that I can address this. One is to do make my selected version of the headers available like this:


and then build using both -I/libraries/OpenEXR/N.N.N/include/OpenEXR and /libraries/OpenEXR/N.N.N/include to support both forms.

There are other approaches as well.

I suppose I will continue to need to support both forms since there is source out in the wild the uses both.

I guess I am curious about which form should be recommended.

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