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Re: [Openexr-devel] Gray layers

From: Piotr Stanczyk
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] Gray layers
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2013 17:00:14 +0000


I may be a little confused here, but if you take a look at the exrheader source code, that should give you a good overview of the ChannelList iterator as it uses that to print out the channel names to stdout.

Let me know if this doesn't work for you.

- Piotr

From: Gerhard Huber address@hidden
Sent: 07 November 2013 06:25
To: Piotr Stanczyk; Peter Hillman
Cc: OpenEXR Devel List
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] Gray layers


As Peter points out. You should be able to read this file just fine.  You will have to introspect the file to work exactly what channels are present, names & data types,  and insert the corresponding slices.
You should be able to use the InputFile class to read your data.

OK, I should use InputFile to read the picture.
But am I right, that the ChannelList Iterator doesn't "use" layers with a name without "."?
So I have to patch ImfChannelList or write my own?


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