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Parallel package suggestion

From: vrozos
Subject: Parallel package suggestion
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 2021 12:46:40 -0600 (CST)

Regarding Parallel package [1], I have a suggestion.  On my understanding
(from applications on a single machine), Parallel starts Octave sub-engines.
When the whole job is finished, the sub-engines do not die. This can create
problems in cases where a kind of re-initialization is needed.

Consider this case. I am using Parallel along with the expansion of the
Genetic Algorithm package for GNU Octave that supports parallelization and
bounds [2]. After finishing the first optimization, I want to change the
loss-function. In this case, it seems that the sub-engines are not informed
about the change. They keep using the version of the loss-function they
first encountered.

I would suggest adding a function to Parallel package that would perform
some kind of re-initialization of the created sub-engines, or at least kill

[1] https://octave.sourceforge.io/parallel/index.html
[2] https://github.com/stevenwatterson/GA

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