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Sparse multiprecision matrices, SDP and the free field

From: Konrad Schrempf
Subject: Sparse multiprecision matrices, SDP and the free field
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 16:33:05 +0100
User-agent: NeoMutt/20170113 (1.7.2)

Dear Octave-Experts,

I'm mainly developing new mathematical non-commutative algebraic
theory. Right now I'm working on a complete new family of semi-
definite solvers for optimization (the preprint might be on arXiv
by the end of the year). The free field is a rather abstract ob-
ject. I do have an experimental implementation in FriCAS but con-
sider to write it in C/C++ building on GMP with an interface to
Octave (which I use for numerics).

There are two sections in http://wiki.octave.org/Projects I'm
very interested, namely »High Precision Arithmetic Computation«
and »Sparse Matrices« (mainly for semidefinite programming).
Could you please tell me briefly what the current status is and
give me some contact person for exchanging some ideas offline?

I'm very deep in programming (in ancient times I even used
assembler ;-) up to abstract mathematical modelling. But I do
not have experience with huge software projects. On the other
hand I'm very interested in bringing new mathematical theory
and algorithms to a broad audience.

I followed the discussion on matrix functions in detail and
know the difficulty because I once programmed some myself using
the book of Higham (2008). How is the status (briefly) here?
Not that I can contribute substantial development right now
due to the lack of ressources but I do have ideas for develop-
ment on a meta level, i.e. to generate high level mathematical
code ...


Greetings from Austria

P.S. I would rather like to stay in the background.

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