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Re: [OF] where to put license files?

From: Philip Nienhuis
Subject: Re: [OF] where to put license files?
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 22:36:16 +0100
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Thanks for the prompt answer.

However they induce more questions: (sorry :-) )

Carnë Draug wrote:
On 23 December 2015 at 19:15, Philip Nienhuis <address@hidden> wrote:
In installed OF packages the GPL license (COPYING) resides in the packinfo/
subdir.  So that subdir looks like a good place for other licenses
associated with SW in a package.
==> How do I get together that e.g., a file "license.txt" ends up in
packinfo/ ?

(FYI, I want to include some c++ code covered by an MIT license
(GPL-compatible) in the mapping package.)

You leave your COPYING file with the GPLv3+ license and simply add the
file under the MIT license to the repository.

My very question was *how* to do that. If I simply put it anywhere in the package, it never gets installed.

Anyway I saw that that same MIT license text is already in the .cc file so the my question is a bit moot.

However, since you are modifying the code, you can put your changes under
the GPL.  In that case, just add the GPL header to the top of the file
followed by:

I'd be equally happy with adding my modifications under that same MIT license. That MIT license is GPL-compatible, after all.

BTW, the instructions for package maintainers/developers are quite terse
these days - I had to access www.archive.org for older versions to get info
on package structure and contents of the DESCRIPTION file. Shouldn't that be
on the current octave-forge developers page?

No.  That documentation is part of the manual.  We don't want to repeat
ourselves and end up with out of sync documentation:


That is very good and wise.
Yet IMO it would be good to reference that part of the manual (or the URL higher up, "Creating packages") with a hyperlink. Or at least have some indication that the Octave manual contains more info on OF package creation. I do not see it mentioned now.


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