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Re: very small packages - merge into general/miscelleneous or move into

From: Carnë Draug
Subject: Re: very small packages - merge into general/miscelleneous or move into core
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 23:41:34 +0000

On 27 January 2014 06:35, c. <address@hidden> wrote:
> On 27 Jan 2014, at 02:03, Carnë Draug <address@hidden> wrote:
>> I understand that you, as a user of the physical constants function,
>> don't want to install or load the miscellaneous package and its
>> dependencies, but we can't create a package out of a single function
>> each time someone wants that function only.
> No, what I really want is to get rid of all the useless cruft in
> "miscellaneous" and "general" but to do that I have to separate any
> useful functions in either of those packages first.
> For me that means essentially "physical_constant" from "miscellaneous" and
> "parcellfun" and "pararrayfun" (and therfore "fsave", "fload" the latter 
> depend upon)
> from "general".
> Once those functions have been extracted I don't care anymore about what 
> happens
> to either "general" or "miscellaneous".
> As far as I am concerned it would even be OK to completely remove "general" 
> and "miscelaneous".

I am sorry. If you want to remove cruft from those packages you're
welcome to do so. I have deprecated and later removed some of their
functions myself. But there will not be creation of new packages out
of single functions from them, specially not based on a list that are
the functions you care about.

On the definition of cruft, I also don't use all the functions in the
general and miscellaneous package, but I do use inputParser, ascii,
units, and textable. At least inputParser and publish should even be
moved into core once they are made completely matlab compatible. So
it's not all cruft. They are used, sometimes even by other Octave
Forge packages.

Finally, I don't know much about "parcellfun" and "pararrayfun" but a
quick look at them makes me agree with Olaf that they should belong in
the parallel package. Is there any way to move a file between two
different hg repositories, while keeping its history?


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