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Re: doc macro errors

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Re: doc macro errors
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 12:58:32 -0500
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On 12/04/2013 12:34 PM, Carnë Draug wrote:
On 4 December 2013 17:12, Rik <address@hidden> wrote:
On 12/04/2013 08:31 AM, John W. Eaton wrote:
On 12/04/2013 11:12 AM, John W. Eaton wrote:

I'm using Texinfo 5.2 and have seen these error messages but they
don't happen all the time.  I don't think they have heppened with a
clean build, so I haven't bothered to track down what is causing them.

Wait, it is repeatable, but only on the default branch.  It seems to be
caused by the use of "@table @qcode" in the doc string for the new
validateattributes function.

That's a valid complaint.  The @table command only takes the built-in
formatting options such as @code, @samp, etc.  I've worked around this in
the rest of the documentation by using

@table @asis
@item @qcode{"XX"}
@end table

and putting the @qcode macro down one level.  However, I think we might be
able to just re-define the qcode macro to avoid what looks like recursion
in macros.texi.  I'm trying that out right now.

I was cheking that now as well. I tried to turn the qcode macro into a
rmacro (near the top of the doc/interpreter/macros.texi) and it also
builds fine with Texinfo 4.13.

Simply changing @macro/@end macro to @rmacro/@end rmacro for the qcode
definitions in macros.texi doesn't work for me with Texinfo 5.2.  I
still see the following errors:

octave_doc_eX075S:2824: table requires an argument: the formatter for @item octave_doc_eX075S:2841: table requires an argument: the formatter for @item
  ./func.texi:548: table requires an argument: the formatter for @item
  ./func.texi:565: table requires an argument: the formatter for @item

and the build fails.  func.texi 548 and 565 are the lines with the
"@table @qcode".


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