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Re: Fwd: Test files [WAS: Re: xlsread in Octave 3.6.4]

From: Markus
Subject: Re: Fwd: Test files [WAS: Re: xlsread in Octave 3.6.4]
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 21:21:13 +0200
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/0.9.4

Hey Philip, hope everything is going well so far.

I've take a look at io source on svn. Are you finished already?
Referring to __OCT_spsh_open__.m  line 51
"## Read file contents. For some reason fgetl needs to be called twice"
In OOXML you have to do this twice because the file hast just two lines.
The first line includes just this: "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>" All relevant datas are in the second line. Because of this I triggered fgetl two times.

Do you just figured out in __OCT_spsh_open__.m whitch sheet should be opened (given by name or index)?
So you need after  __OCT_spsh_open__.m
lastintf = "OCT";
xls.filename = filename;
? If yes, I can split-out this part easily from xlsxread.
Furthermore, what's up with this?
"## FIXME find a class that doesn't display as one looooong string"
If you give me an example string or file maybe i can try to help parsing this string.

I've found a second mark for xlsx in __OCT_getusedrange__.m: line 43 to 50. I guess just extracting the used range from xlsxread is not possible as you do for ods. __readnum is reading the value and the position of the value. The used range results from that. So reading just the position in __OCT_getusedrange__.m is possible, but this information must not be lost.
But maybe you do this in __ods_get_sheet_dims__.m?

A shedule would be nice. Which file/function comes first, which information goes in this file/function and which information have to go out to the next...

Furthermore I've take a (short) look on xmlread.
No, it's not just "bad documented", it is simple not documented.
Trying to use it with OOXML just give an error. "bad declaration" (It stumbles over the first line (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>).
By the way, Matlab isn't able to read it too with xmlread :)


Jabber: address@hidden

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