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Re: xlsread in Octave 3.6.4

From: Philip Nienhuis
Subject: Re: xlsread in Octave 3.6.4
Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 23:42:51 +0200
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<moved from help-octave to octave-maintainers ML>

Markus Bergholz wrote:
On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 11:38 AM, Markus Bergholz <address@hidden
<mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:
    On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 12:10 AM, Markus Bergholz <address@hidden
    <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:
        On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 11:42 PM, PhilipNienhuis
        <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:
            Markus Bergholz wrote


             >>>>     Markus Bergholz wrote
             >>>> > I haven't follow this thread and it's issue, but
            i've wrote a
             >>>>     xlsxread
             >>>> > function whitch don't need java.
             >>>> > but it's very very rudimentary, works just with
            linux and is a
             >>>>     quick&dirty
             >>>> > write-down.
             >>>> > furthermore, you have to remove the string-analyse
            part, if your
             >>>>     sheet
             >>>> > don't contain strings.
             >>>> > but maybe it helps someone else or someone want to
            improve it or
             >>>>     someone
             >>>> > rewrite it in c/c++ as oct file, to get it even
            faster than
             >>>>     matlab (for me
             >>>> > it's still faster than the java stuff atm).

<snip, see thread on help-octave ML>

    i've made a few quick and dirty changes, change to gpl licence and
    commit the broken range part too.


    it's now plattform indepentend and - once again - faster than before
    (~58 seconds). now it's nearly twice as fast as matlab (~110 seconds).
    enough time to waste it for ranges, strings etc in future.

here comes version 0.6 - https://github.com/markuman/xlsxread

* strings and calculations are now replaced with NaN (without any speed
   * testet with a excel 2007 and excel for mac 2011 file (example files
are added)
* it's using now nested functions. this should be easier to ingetrate it
in octave-io

ranges and empty columns still don't work!

Good work Markus.

Anyway, sorry to come up with a few more potential gotchas:

- Interesting would be if your code properly handles merged and hidden cells. I don't know what they look like in raw OOXML.

- Does OOXML have repeated-rows and repeated-columns "folding"?
E.g., ODS1.2 has the table:TableNumberRowsRepeated and table:TableNumberColumnsRepeated tags.

It would be really good to have a Java-free (and ActiveX-free) spreadsheet reading capability in Octave, even if only a basic one. Sergei suggested a Perl-based solution; but Perl would still be a dependency, not all systems have Perl installed (e.g., Windows). You've made a first try for OOXML; I have a basis for decoding ODS lying around, it doesn't work at all yet but might not need undue amounts of attention.
You made the vital piece: unzipping the spreadsheet file to disk.

For inclusion in the OF io package (in a later stage, first try to get your version robust and fail-safe) I'd suggest to see how the various "interfaces" are built and called in the OF io package.

For follow-up I'd suggest to move this discussion to the maintainers list. I've swapped help-octave into octave-maintainers.

Oh BTW another idea (that I explored in 2009 but couldn't get to work at the time): There is a binary (compiled) xmlread function, currently it is in the io package. Maybe with a proper "template" it could just read the worksheets into a struct in RAM, faster than regexp can decode it. The missing piece is the "template". (sorry for my lack of XML proficiency & lingo) Unfortunately that xmlread is very tersely, if not badly documented. However there are xml toolboxes around that could be gotten to work in Octave.


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