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More waitbar weirdness

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: More waitbar weirdness
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2011 16:29:16 -0400

On  4-Nov-2011, Rik wrote:

| I just pushed some more improvements for waitbar.  However, in the process
| I found some more oddities that should be fixed at some point.  First, the
| initial call to waitbar produces a patch of a given size.  A second call to
| waitbar, to update the fraction of the progress bar, causes the entire
| patch object to change size.

I just tried the following:

  h = waitbar (0.1);
  f(1) = get (h);
  ax(1) = get (f(1).children);
  p(1) = get (ax(1).children);
  waitbar (0.2);
  f(2) = get (h);
  ax(2) = get (f(2).children);
  p(2) = get (ax(2).children);
  assert (f(1), f(2))
  assert (ax(1), ax(2))
  assert (p(1), p(2))

The fields of the axes and figure objects are all the same.  The patch
objects only differ in the values of xdata and the computed vertices.
So I guess the change in size and position is happening inside the
renderer somehow.

| Second, the toolbar in the lower left is active and visible.  If you press
| the 'A' button for autoscale it opens up a brand new figure window.

Yes, I want to disable the toolbar for the waitbar window, but I don't
know how to do it.  I don't really know FLTK and the things I've tried
so far haven't worked.


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