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GNU Octave on Openhatch

From: Gokul Nair
Subject: GNU Octave on Openhatch
Date: Thu, 20 May 2010 14:31:58 -0700

Hi all,

Saw this post on Slashdot recently: http://news.slashdot.org/story/10/05/16/2121247/Getting-Started-Contributing-Back-To-Open-Source
and was wondering if we could have Octave-core be one of the projects on it. I know it'd immensely help people like me who would love to contribute but have a slightly hard time figuring out how/where to start and what would be a good bite-size bug for people not entirely familiar with Octave core's code base yet.

To get us started (if and when we do decide to), we'd need to at the very least fill out:

1. http://openhatch.org/+projects/GNU%20Octave
2. https://openhatch.org/wiki/index.php?title=Bug_trackers/requested&action="">
(2 is linked off the bottom right part of link 1)

I know our bug tracker resides here: http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?group=octave
but not sure if there's a tag that indicates the amount of work involved (ex. bite-sized) etc

It would be great if someone could get us started here and provide some bite-sized bugs or other info to get the ball rolling.



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