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Re: NaN-toolbox much faster now

From: Jason Riedy
Subject: Re: NaN-toolbox much faster now
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 16:41:56 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.91 (gnu/linux)

And Alois Schlögl writes:
> Or if the NaN-toolbox is in place, you can check this with
> flag_nan_occured() afterwards, [...]

I'll look into your toolbox more in a month or so.  Higher-level Octave
support for detecting exceptional events will take some thought.  It's
not as easy as a "flag_nan_occurred()", because the lower-level
libraries don't necessarily clear the flag when appropriate (e.g. STEMR,
etc. in LAPACK).

Without good invalid flag support, I would recommend the default of
returning NaN from mean() and other functions whenever there is a
NaN in the data.  Otherwise I worry the NaNs will go un-noticed
when they are important.  But I may have too skewed a view of
mean's use in Octave.

In the Octave historical context, returning the number from max() &
min() makes sense.  For linear algebra, these often are used for
selecting pivot-like entries or scaling, and that's similar to the
centering usage for mean().

Longer-term, better invalid flag handling would make me inclined to
return the number from mean() and friends...

I write:
> Baring more sophisticated handling of exceptional events and data,
> the most reliable choices are to provide either a per-call optional
> argument or two different routines.  R takes the former route[1],
> and we took the latter for max(a, b) and min(a, b) in the IEEE-754
> standard.

To which Alois Schlögl responds:
> I do not know about R, but last time I looked at IEEE-754r
> http://www.validlab.com/754R/drafts/archive/2006-10-04.pdf p.28,
> says about minNum(x,y) and maxNum(x,y) [...]

Augh.  I can't begin to describe the pain when I checked the
standard (I have a copy).  After *months* of arguing about which
max&min to include and being out-voted on having only the
number-preferring ones, I now find out the NaN-preferring ones
disappeared somewhere.

I apologize for the mis-information.  And I recommend avoiding
close work in standards committees.

BTW, C99's fmax prefers numbers as well.

And I write:
> A global flag that is not locally scoped and can be forgotten is
> downright dangerous in this context.  Such a flag will wander into
> code where it was not intended and wreck havoc.  Please use another
> method.

To which Alois Schlögl responds:
> (1) In order to avoid wandering of the flag into code, I've added the
> following warning:
> "warning: flag_implicit_skipnan(0): You are warned!!! You have turned
> off skipping NaN in sumskipnan. This is not recommended. Make sure you
> really know what you do."
> Is this sufficient to address your concern ?

Historically, these warnings are ignored.  Everything short of a
flat-out abort often is ignored.  (Bitter?  Me?)

> (5) It's also ok to leave out sumskipnan() from octave. Those who are
> interested have several options to install it:

Ah, I thought the conversation was about the default behavior of
the statistical functions.

This will take more time for thought.  I'm thinking from an
LAPACK/BLAS perspective; if there are enough uses (and I agree
there are), it might be worth including NaN-skipping routines in
LAPACK and the BLAS.

We already take care not to pick NaNs as pivots in factorization;
perhaps we should have pushed the NaN check down into IxAMAX.  And
NaNs in the scaled vector 2-norm computations pose an interesting
performance problem, now that I think of it.

One issue I haven't seen addressed is the cross-platform
performance of these routines.  I've seen Jaroslav Hajek's timings,
but that's only one platform.  Arithmetic with exceptional values
can see a >100x slow-down, e.g. on Pentium-4s with earlier
generations of their Netburst µarchitecture.  So skipping NaNs can
be *faster* if the test can avoid triggering the jump to microcode.

There's a good implementation trick to smooth out some of the
cross-platform issues.  Compute the sum (or whichever) in segments.
Check each segment for a NaN.  If you're skipping NaNs, go back and
recompute for that segment.  If not, just return the NaN.

At first look, you test for NaNs one-by-one.  Also, you use a
dangerous NaN check...  Some compilers *still* optimize x==x.  I'd
recommend using C99's isnan().

I'll look more at your toolbox in the future.  Obviously, it
tickles some of my research interests.  ;)


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