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Re: speed of octave symbol table code

From: David Bateman
Subject: Re: speed of octave symbol table code
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 02:22:17 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060921)

John W. Eaton wrote:
> On 23-Oct-2007, David Bateman wrote:
> | After having looked at the tic/toc issue for possible speed ups, its
> | clear that there are speed issues in the symbol table code somewhere. A
> | basic call to an an m-file or oct-file on my system costs 10ms
> | regardless of how much work it does. So trying to look for simple
> | solutions to reduce this and assuming it was the symbol table lookup
> | code at fault I created a test function
> | 
> | function dummy ()
> | endfunction
> | 
> | and ran
> | 
> | for i=1:5e5, dummy; endfor
> | 
> | on a version of Octave compiled for use with gprof.. Running gprof on
> | the a flat profile gave the following as the top consuming functions
> | 
> |   %   cumulative   self              self     total
> |  time   seconds   seconds    calls   s/call   s/call  name
> |  16.73      4.34     4.34   500026     0.00     0.00 symbol_table::clear()
> |  15.32      8.31     3.97   505802     0.00     0.00
> | unwind_protect::run_frame(
> | std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
> | const&)
> |   3.92      9.32     1.02  1508898     0.00     0.00
> | symbol_table::lookup(std::
> | basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
> | const&, bool,
> | bool)
> |   3.57     10.25     0.93   500026     0.00     0.00
> | octave_user_function::do_m
> | ulti_index_op(int, octave_value_list const&)
> |   3.38     11.12     0.88  7022416     0.00     0.00
> | unwind_protect::add(void (
> | *)(void*), void*)
> | 
> | So clearing the local symbol table in the dummy function even though its
> | empty is taking the most time and the second most consuming function is
> | the unwind_protect::run_frame in the
> | octave_user_function::do_multi_index_op function. I'm not sure how to
> | address the issue with the unwind_protect code. However, the issue with
> | the symbol_table::clear function is fairly obvious... The symbol_table
> | has a hash table with a default of 128 elements and each of these 128
> | elements of the hash has to be cleared, even if there are no symbols
> | stored in the hash. It seems to me that that is a trade off in the size
> | of the hash between the speed of symbol lookup and symbol table clear.
> | If the symbol table is smaller than the hash its likely to be the clear
> | that is slower, and if the number of symbols is significantly larger
> | than the hash, then its the lookup time that will dominant.
> | 
> | What is the likely average number of symbols in the local symbol tables
> | of the functions? I suspect that 128 is a high estimate. Note that the
> | global symbol tables are initialized separately with 2048 hash entries
> | and who cares how long they take to clear as its when you are exiting
> | Octave that it will be slowed up. Changing the default table_size to 32
> | in symtab.h then gives
> | 
> |   %   cumulative   self              self     total
> |  time   seconds   seconds    calls   s/call   s/call  name
> |  13.00      3.34     3.34   505798     0.00     0.00
> | unwind_protect::run_frame(
> | std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
> | const&)
> |   4.51      4.50     1.16   500026     0.00     0.00  symbol_table::clear()
> |   4.49      5.66     1.16  1508890     0.00     0.00
> | symbol_table::lookup(std::
> | basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
> | const&, bool,
> | bool)
> |   4.07      6.70     1.05  6528822     0.00     0.00
> | Array<std::basic_string<ch
> | ar, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >::~Array()
> |   3.89      7.70     1.00  7022404     0.00     0.00
> | unwind_protect::add(void (
> | *)(void*), void*)
> |   3.81      8.68     0.98   500026     0.00     0.00
> | octave_user_function::do_m
> | ulti_index_op(int, octave_value_list const&)
> | 
> | Or about a 4 times speed up in symbol_table::clear.. Its hard to know
> | what the best choice for symbol_table::table_size is and probably more
> | tests are needed to determine the best size, However, a gut feeling
> | makes me think 32 is better than 128 for most cases..
> We can change this for 3.0 if you like.
> Unless there is something really obvious we can do to speed it up, I
> wouldn't worry too much about optimizing this code because the symbol
> table in the object-branch is much different and currently uses a 
> std::map object to map std::string variable names to symbol_record
> objects that contain the information about variables (functions are
> handled in separate tables).  With the new code, clearing variables
> from a function is done by iterating over the elements of the std::map
> object, so it doesn't take much work if the table is empty, but is
> linear in the number of variables as the current implementation checks
> each variable to know whether it is persistent, global, etc.
> jwe

I think changing symtab.h:502 in the following manner for 3.0 will be a win.

-  symbol_table (unsigned int tab_s = 128,
+  symbol_table (unsigned int tab_size = 32,

Yes, I'm waiting to see the advantages of the new symbol table code, if
there are any speedups, etc..


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