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edit.m on msvc octave 2.9.13

From: Tatsuro MATSUOKA
Subject: edit.m on msvc octave 2.9.13
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 05:13:23 +0900 (JST)

Perhaps a few week before, there was a case that edit.m on  msvc octave 2.9.13 
did not work.

octave-2.9.13.exe:1> edit
error: system: CreateProcess failed -- can't create child process
error: evaluating if command near line 150, column 5
error: evaluating if command near line 149, column 3
error: called from `edit' in file `C:\Programs\Octave2.9.13\share\octave\package

However, it depended on the environments.  Only some people experienced the 

Today I forgot that and 'edit' from the prompt and the same error occur ed like 
the above.

line 151: system(['cd "',FUNCTION.HOME,'" ; ',sprintf(FUNCTION.EDITOR,"")], [], 

I added to see detail add the line 152. 
First I added that disp command to see the argument of system command line 151.
I cannot see anything disp command but SciTE successfully worked.

So I added in line 152 a meaningless command, '1;'.
For this case, SciTE also successfully worked.
I cannot find reason. 
But my edit.m in line 152, '1;' was added.

Perhaps this problem seems not to be octave intrinsic but to be the problem 
related with the operating
system.  Adding a meaningless command seems to play timing control role to 
communicate with the OS.
(My OS is XP home edition.)


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