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Re: Revised rlocus m-file

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: Revised rlocus m-file
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2007 00:45:50 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20041020

What I'm seeing has the makings of a root locus plot, but a bit jumbled because 
of some changes in plotting scripts.  (E.g., seems 1,2,3,etc. are no longer 
options... but I've replaced 1 2 3 with r g b just to see what results.)  I'll 
send you a PNG picture.  Let me know if it is as intended.  Otherwise, tell us 
what you are trying to achieve or what to expect (PNG?) and I might be able to 
suggest some things.  For example, the existing behavior of rlocus() looks to 
try and do some form of shading.  If that is what is intended, gnuplot can now 
create shaded or color polygons.


A. Scottedward Hodel wrote:
At the request of my students, I've rewritten the octave rlocus script. The revised script implements the following changes:

(1) The dots are now connected: instead of a '.' linespoint style, it now uses a "-" line style, which makes the plots easier to read. (2) Real axis breakpoints are included in the gains so that the line- plots are symmetric about the real axis. (3) Bounds on the maximum gain are computed so that asymptotic behavior can be seen.

I've done some simple testing on this, but it would be good for a few others to run it through its paces.

Here's a couple of sample test commands. The revised rlocus file is also attached.

I didn't use a diff because it's a pretty substantial rewrite of the code, other than the portion that smooths the plot.

rlocus(zp([1+j, 1-j], [-1+2*j, -1-2*j,-5, -6, -7],1));
rlocus(zp(-0.1,[0 0 -2],1))


Dan Sebald
phone: 608 256 7718
email: daniel DOT sebald AT ieee DOT org
URL: http://webpages DOT charter DOT net/dsebald/

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