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Re: Low hanging fruit - Accelerated random distribution functions

From: Paul Kienzle
Subject: Re: Low hanging fruit - Accelerated random distribution functions
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 19:29:14 -0500

On Feb 22, 2007, at 11:46 AM, David Bateman wrote:

I haven't tried to convert the functions geornd,

Octave uses the following; it would be hard to beat:

   rnd(k) = floor (log (rand (size (k))) ./ log (1 - p(k)));


This needs a fast discrete_rnd, which could be implemented
using lookup as [untested!]

rnd = discrete_rnd(p,v,n)
        edges = cumsum(p(1:end-1))/sum(p);
   rnd = v(lookup(edges,rand(n,1))+1);

The current code is approximately:

  edges = cumsum(p)/sum(p);
  u = rand(1,n);
  rnd = v (1 + sum( edges*ones(1,n) <= ones(m,1)*u));

Given n numbers generated from m possibilities:
 current code takes O(m*n) space and O(m*n) time.
 lookup takes O(m+n) space and O((m+n)*log(m+n)) time.
so lookup saves both space and time.

Note that the documentation says p is a probability
whereas it is actually a proportion.


The heart of this will be fast enough:

  tmp = rand (sz);
  rnd = (tmp<1/2) .* log(2*tmp) - (tmp>1/2) .* log (2*(1-tmp));

A C implementation would run in 1/2 the time with
1/4? the memory but I don't think we care.


Fast enough:

  rnd = - log (1 ./ rand (sz) - 1);


Current code can be improved a bit from:

 rnd(k) = exp(mu(k)) .* exp(sigma(k).*randn(1,length(k)));


 rnd(k) = exp(mu(k) + sigma(k).*randn(1,length(k)));


Needs work.


Fast enough:

  rnd = randn(sz)


Fast enough:

  rnd = scale * -log(1-rand(k))) .^ (1/shape)

 and wienrnd

Fast enough:

  rnd = cumsum(randn(n*t,d))/sqrt(n)

- Paul

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