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Re: signals hanling in octave

From: Paul Kienzle
Subject: Re: signals hanling in octave
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 23:30:25 -0400

On Oct 19, 2006, at 4:21 PM, Miroslaw Dach wrote:

Dear All,

I am using mex program under octave. The only missing function in octave 2.9.9 implementation (which I need to use) is mexAtExit. This function registers the handler function which is call before exiting from Matlab. As the replacement of that function on octave I have tried to use atexit but my function is not call as the first one before closing the octave and octave simply stalls. John has suggested to me to add the pointer in the octave_mex_function class but i am not so familiar with octave code. I was just playing with the standard c signal function to register my handler but I do not know which signal is sent when octave quits.

I would appreciate very much is somebody could help me on that.

The functions you are interested in are in the src directory.

    ov-fcn.h    -  base octave function class
    ov-mex-fcn.{cc,h}  - mex function class
    mex.h, mex.cc   - mex function definitions

One thing you could do is hook into the destructor in ov-mex-fcn.cc. Just before removing the function, you can call the 'exit_fcn_ptr' handle if it is not 0. This handle would be stored in the octave_mex_function class along with mex_fcn_ptr. Don't forget to initialize it to 0. Add an at_exit(fcn) method to octave_mex_function which sets exit_fcn_ptr.

In class mex defined in mex.cc you will need to define an at_exit(fcn) method which sets the exit_fcn_handle of the octave_mex_function object. mexAtExit(fcn) is then a call to mex_context->at_exit(fcn).

Writing mex::at_exit(fcn) will be a bit tricky.

The clean way would be to pass a pointer to the octave_function handle 'this' through C_mex or Fortran_mex. Store this handle in class mex when it is created. It can then be used directly by function_name and at_exit to access octave_mex_function.

The hackish way is to use the same trick I used when mex was not part of Octave, and grab the handle to the currently executing function from the octave_call_stack.

I've implemented the hackish way in the attached patch. I haven't tried compiling it or running it so you will have some work ahead of you, but this should get you most of the way there.

- Paul

Attachment: mexAtExit.patch
Description: Binary data

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