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Bug in octave structures

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Bug in octave structures
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 02:22:01 -0500

On 17-Sep-2002, Roderick Koehle <address@hidden> wrote:

| In the current octave CVS release, I discovered following problems:
| octave:1> z = zeros(1,5);
| octave:2> s.a = z; s.b = z; s.a(1) = 1; s
| s =
| {
|   a =
|     1  0  0  0  0
|   b =
|     1  0  0  0  0
| }
| It seems that by assigning the vector z to s.a and s.b, these variables stay 
| linked forever. Whatever you write into the vector s.a will also modify s.b.
| Doing the same with scalar values however works properly. So the example:
| octave:1> z = 0;  s.a = z; s.b = z; s.a(1) = 1; s
| s =
| {
|   a = 1
|   b = 0
| }
| So for the scalar case, above example produces the correct result, writing 
| into a does not cause b to be modified.
| The following example produces also curious results.
| A function "empty" returns a structure with an empty list element.
| When you write something into this list and then try to clear it again with 
| the function "empty", you will get following:
| octave:1> function a=empty(), a.list = {}; endfunction
| octave:2> a=empty() 
| a =
| {
|   list = {}
| }
| octave:3> a.list{1} = 'hallo'
| a.list =
| {
|   list =
|   {
|     [1,1] = hallo
|   }
| }
| octave:4> a = empty()
| a =
| {
|   list =
|   {
|     [1,1] = hallo
|   }
| }
| Even though in the function "empty" the empty list is assigned to a.list. It 
| won't change its content.

Please try the following patch.  It's checked in to CVS now too, so
you could also update to get these changes.



2002-09-18  John W. Eaton  <address@hidden>

        * ov-struct.cc (octave_struct::subsasgn): Ensure that indexed
        object is not shared before calling subsasgn.

Index: ov-struct.cc
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/octave/src/ov-struct.cc,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -u -r1.22 ov-struct.cc
--- ov-struct.cc        3 Jun 2002 18:15:47 -0000       1.22
+++ ov-struct.cc        18 Sep 2002 07:19:16 -0000
@@ -239,6 +239,8 @@
                        next_idx.remove_front ();
                        next_idx.remove_front ();
+                       u.make_unique ();
                        t_rhs = u.subsasgn (type.substr (2), next_idx, rhs);
@@ -274,6 +276,8 @@
                SLList<octave_value_list> next_idx (idx);
                next_idx.remove_front ();
+               u.make_unique ();
                t_rhs = u.subsasgn (type.substr (1), next_idx, rhs);

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